منتدى طلبة كلية الهندسه بأسوان
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منتدى طلبة كلية الهندسه بأسوان

منتدى طلبة كلية الهندسه بأسوان
الرئيسيةالبوابةالتسجيلأحدث الصوردخول


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اذهب الى الأسفل 
black dove
free ray
مهندس احمد غازى
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كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مراقب عام منتدى أقسام الكليه ومشرف قسمى حاسبات وكورسات هندسيه
مراقب عام منتدى أقسام الكليه ومشرف قسمى حاسبات وكورسات هندسيه

عدد المساهمات : 5020
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/06/2007
العمر : 37
الموقع : سرى
رقم العضوية : 10
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اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· Deurxfelqa

(¯`·`·.¸`·._.·( 250 نسخة )·._.·°¯)×÷·.·°¯`·)»
¸.·¯`··._.·_ (XP , Vista بكامل اصداراتهما ) «(·°¯`·.·÷×
(*_*) موضوع موسوعى _ روابط 100 %(*_*)

اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· Kqwwbbbpac

موضوع جديد أفتحه حصرياً على منتدى هندسة اسوان ،
قمت بالبحث فيه عن جميع اصدارات وندوز XP, Vista
اللى ممكن تلاقوها في أى موقع أو منتدى في العالم
حتى الأن وجدت ما يقرب من 42 اصدارة أهم ما يميز الموضوع
ان جميع اللنكات لنكات مباشرة
أرجو إن الموضوع يعجبكم وكل واحد بختااااااار الوندوز اللى يعجبه
عارف ان الإختيار دلوقتى بقى صعب __ كلهم حلويييييين
حاول تقرا مواصفات كل وندوز
وتختار اللى يناسبك ويناسب جهازك
بشكر في الموضوع دة
كل من
الباشمهندس mammad

و الباشمهندس rasmy 007
" وخصوصاً انه ساعدنى في لنك لإصدارات وندوز كتيييير "

والباشمهندس matrix2000
وقد جلبت لنكات من مواضيعهم الى الموضوع
وان شاء الله الموضوع مفتوح لاى حد عايز يحط نسخ اخرى مش موجودة مع إنى اشك في كدة
يا رب الموضوع يعجبكم

وفقكم الله

اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· Kqwwbbbpac

عدل سابقا من قبل YeHi@$MmZ في الثلاثاء 12 أغسطس - 23:02 عدل 8 مرات
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مراقب عام منتدى أقسام الكليه ومشرف قسمى حاسبات وكورسات هندسيه
مراقب عام منتدى أقسام الكليه ومشرف قسمى حاسبات وكورسات هندسيه

عدد المساهمات : 5020
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/06/2007
العمر : 37
الموقع : سرى
رقم العضوية : 10
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Windows Vista Ultimate July 07 Edition

اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· 105ds34

The most complete edition of Windows Vista - with the power,security and mobility features that you need for work, and all of the entertainment features taht you want for fun. When you want to have it all, including the ability to shoft smoothly between the worlds of play and productivity, there's Windows Vista Ultimate.You'll never have to worry about having the most advanced capabilities - they're all here.This edition of Windows Vista offers an advanced,
business focused infrastructure, mobile productivity, and a premium home digital entertainment experience,all in a single offering.

اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· Waksyd

See everything you're working on more clearly with Windows Aero, and quickly switch between windows or tasks using Windows Flip 3D and Live Thumbnails. You can easily find what you need - when you need it - with Instant Search
and Live Icon previews taht display the actual *******s of your files.And while you're at it, give your personal productivity a boost with instant access to the information you care about using Windows Sidebar and Gadgets.

Download: Rapidshare.com تحميل

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Password : planetdownload.blogspot.com

عدل سابقا من قبل YeHi@$MmZ في الإثنين 17 مارس - 7:05 عدل 1 مرات
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مراقب عام منتدى أقسام الكليه ومشرف قسمى حاسبات وكورسات هندسيه
مراقب عام منتدى أقسام الكليه ومشرف قسمى حاسبات وكورسات هندسيه

عدد المساهمات : 5020
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/06/2007
العمر : 37
الموقع : سرى
رقم العضوية : 10
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Windows Vista Home Premium

اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· 6ly893a

Windows Vista Home Premium is the edition that delivers more ease of use, security, and entertainment to your PC at home and on the go. Here it is: the preferred edition of Windows for home desktop and mobile PCs. Windows Vista Home Premium delivers the productivity and entertainment that you need from your PC at home or on the go. It includes Windows Media Center, which helps you more easily enjoy your digital photos, TV, movies, and music. Plus, you'll have the peace of mind of knowing that your PC has a whole new level of security and reliability. All together, Windows Vista Home Premium redefines enjoyment in home computing.
It starts with a breakthrough design that makes your PC easier to use every day. With Windows Aero, you'll experience dynamic reflections, smooth gliding animations, transparent glass-like menu bars, and the ability to switch between your open windows in a new three-dimensional layout. Instant desktop search capabilities, coupled with powerful new ways to organize and visualize your information, means you can instantly find and use the e-mails, ********s, photos, music, and the other information you want, when you need it.
Windows Vista Home Premium also helps keep your personal information, your PC, and your family computing experience safer than in previous versions of Windows. Windows Vista Home Premium also provides automatic backup of your files, such as your valuable digital photos, music, movies, ********s, and other files, so you can relax and focus on the things you care about most. And, by using the built-in parental controls, parents can help ensure their children's computer use is appropriate and safer.
A major advance in Windows Vista Home Premium is the dramatically improved digital entertainment experience. Windows Media Center makes organizing and enjoying photos, music, DVDs, recorded TV, and home movies easier and more fun. Enjoy the entertainment on your PC or even on your TV in the living room with an Xbox 360 wirelessly networked to your PC. Windows Vista Home Premium makes it easier to burn your photo slide shows and home movies to a professional-looking video DVD that your friends and family can watch on a DVD player or PC whenever they like. Combined with unbeatable support for gaming and music, Windows Vista Home Premium delivers a complete home entertainment experience.

Note : It Is Not Precracked, So You Need To Use A Crack In Order To Bypass The 30 Days Trial Limit. Use Any Vista Crack, There Are A Lot Available.

Download : (Rapidshare.com تحميل

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عدل سابقا من قبل YeHi@$MmZ في الإثنين 17 مارس - 7:07 عدل 2 مرات
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مراقب عام منتدى أقسام الكليه ومشرف قسمى حاسبات وكورسات هندسيه
مراقب عام منتدى أقسام الكليه ومشرف قسمى حاسبات وكورسات هندسيه

عدد المساهمات : 5020
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/06/2007
العمر : 37
الموقع : سرى
رقم العضوية : 10
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Tiny Vista Unattented

اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· 16ayy3o

No product key is needed. Windows Vista is activated upon installation. Windows is fully patched with all "important" Windows Updates to 8th may 2007. The 512Mb RAM memory requirement is reduced to just 256Mb.
The requirement of almost 8Gb of disk space is reduced to less than 3Gb.
This installation only takes up about 35% of the size of a normal installation
of Windows Vista. Many components have been removed from this edition of Windows, but you still have Microsoft's three main programs:

Internet Explorer 7
Windows Mail (Formerly "Outlook Express")
Windows Media Player 11

You also have the new Aero theme in this edition of Windows and the ability to use Windows Update.

There are no services taken out of this special edition of Windows.
Only three services have been disabled: Remote Registry, Windows Error
Reporting Service, Windows Search.

You cannot do an upgrade installation from this CD, because the upgrade files
have been removed. You can only install Windows by booting from the CD and
formatting your partition or hard drive.

The eXPerience folder on the CD contains the following three folders:

---DirectX DLL Files---
Despite Windows Vista being an absolutely massive operating system, it still
does not even include DirectX DLL files! What were Microsoft thinking? So if
you need the DirectX 9 DLL files (d3dx9_24/25/26/27/28/29/30/31/32/33.dll)
you can just double click the file in this folder to extract these 10 DLL
files to system32. This will keep compatibility with games you might have
stored on another drive from a previous installation.

---Ethernet Drivers---
Despite Windows Vista being an absolutely massive operating system, it still
does not even include some Ethernet Drivers! What were Microsoft thinking?
So if your Ethernet card is not working after installing Windows Vista and
it needs its driver installing, you can use the Ethernet Driver pack thats
included in this folder. Follow the instructions in the ReadMe.txt file.
After installing your Ethernet Card, see if your onboard sound is working,
IT PROBABLY WON'T BE, it seems Microsoft forgot to include Realtek AC97
sound drivers in Windows Vista, this is ridiculous considering almost
every motherboard in the world has Realtek AC97 sound! Its almost as if
Microsoft are trying to annoy people on purpose, they give you a 2.5Gb+
DVD sized Operating System WITHOUT Ethernet Drivers, Sound Drivers or
DirectX DLL files.
This unattended version of Windows is very easy to install.

You can only install this edition of Windows onto a formatted partition or hard drive, in other words, you cannot do an upgrade installation from within Windows.
This edition of Windows is heavily modified for the best possible user experience, with more than 120 registry tweaks, you can see all the details of the changes made by looking at the file "5 - Custom Tweaks.htm" that is in the Release Info folder in the eXPerience folder on the CD.

Download : (Rapidshare.com)

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الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مراقب عام منتدى أقسام الكليه ومشرف قسمى حاسبات وكورسات هندسيه
مراقب عام منتدى أقسام الكليه ومشرف قسمى حاسبات وكورسات هندسيه

عدد المساهمات : 5020
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/06/2007
العمر : 37
الموقع : سرى
رقم العضوية : 10
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Windows Vista UA Lite

اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· Sl3cco

اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· 30caluv

System Requirement :- ( minimum )

800 Mhz Processor, 256 MB RAM ( 512 Recommended Though, will run nice on 512 MB ,better than full Vista ) 4 GB free HDD space ( for vista installation only ), compatible graphics card if u want AERO theme working ( how ever a patch is appied to force AERO to run on unsupported Graphics Card, havent tested it though.),

Installation is Fully Automated. Only one thing you will have to select is your
Partition, rather than it..u wont need to select product key,language, or any other selection. just set back and wait till 15 mins. you will see desktop within few mins. you have to make new installation. upgrade option is not available.
Genuine/validation Crack:
You Wont need to find crack to activate and validate your copy. caz it will be
already validated when you see your desktop. setup will crack it automatically during setup. you wont need to crack manually.
It have included following registry tweaks within it.
1. Windows will tell you exactly what it is doing when it is shutting down or is booting ( you can see it on logon screen )
2. Added command prompt to right click context menu
3. Disabled User Account Control ( UAC) [ you can enable this from control panel later. ]
4. Add "Explore from here" context menu while right clicking on folders
5. Gt rid of the Windows Mail splash screen
6. Show Super Hidden Files in vista
7. Maximum simultaneous downloads for IE to 20 ( default is 2 )
8. Enable ClearType Tuning
9. Added 'Copy to Folder' and 'Move to Folder' to right click context menu
10. Added 'open with notepad' to right context
11. Disabled Windows Media Player AutoUpdates
12. Added "Advanced System Properties" to right-click on Computer
13. Faster browsing with IE

Download : (Rapidshare.com تحميل

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الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مراقب عام منتدى أقسام الكليه ومشرف قسمى حاسبات وكورسات هندسيه
مراقب عام منتدى أقسام الكليه ومشرف قسمى حاسبات وكورسات هندسيه

عدد المساهمات : 5020
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/06/2007
العمر : 37
الموقع : سرى
رقم العضوية : 10
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Windows Vista Gamers Edition

اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· 2hnbzbq

Release Notes This has been made for you that refuses to get assf***ed by M$ and their allies whith the help of that DRM/TC/Palladium infested POS that they call "best Windows ever"..! And with the introduction of DirectX 10 (that ofcourse will not be available/ported to XP) they try lure us to give up our privacy and freedom of choice regarding our internet and computing habits... I like to play my games and REFUSE to install that crappy bloated full blown Vista POS, so this has been made with my own preferences and needs in mind.This Tweaked Vista Is Simply Made For Running Games Smoothly As Vista Ultimate Eats Up Lots Of Resources.
Performance and simplicity is the key word here, this baby has been tweaked and tuned to simply blow your socks off!! There is nothing here that will satisfy those who like that gayish Aero Glass theme, actually there is no theme at all...the classic one is the only choice ?Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING that can be a threat to us and that are not needed for regular use and gaming has been removed. So understand this, there is: NO Media Player NO DRM module NO .NET3 NO Firewall NO Search/Index function ...and a ton of other stuff! ..if you really feel you can't live without that, simply don't bother
grabbing this. Now, due to the lack of .NET functionality you ATI jocks will have to opt out for the CCC and manage with only the drivers. Furthermore, you will have to remove these two files in system32 directory and after install and before you reboot: ATI2EVXX.DLL AND ATI2EVXX.EXE If you don't remove them you will have an error at boot, nothing serious but annoying enough.
Installation Notes :
1. Burn The Image With Nero/Clone/Alcohol.
2. CD Is Bootable So Simply Start Installing.
3. When Prompted For Serial No. Give This Serial No.

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Download : (Rapidshare.com تحميل

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مراقب عام منتدى أقسام الكليه ومشرف قسمى حاسبات وكورسات هندسيه
مراقب عام منتدى أقسام الكليه ومشرف قسمى حاسبات وكورسات هندسيه

عدد المساهمات : 5020
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/06/2007
العمر : 37
الموقع : سرى
رقم العضوية : 10
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Windows XP Indego Edition 2007 USA Final Reatil DVD

اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· 52nwxug

اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· 4qi328z

اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· 52us9px

Programs: You choose what to install from the menu

Office 2007 Enterprise
Office 2003 Professional 11.6568
Open Office 2.10
Nero Burning Rom Full
Nero Burning Rom Lite
Photoshop CS2 9.0
WindowBlinds Enhanced v5.1 Build-8
Symantec AntiVirus Corp Edition
Registry Mechanic 6.0
NVU 1.0 (20050620)
Fraps 2.8.1 (Build-6403)
Universal Extractor 1.4.2
Notepad++ v3.9
Notepad 2 1.0.12
Thunderbird (20061207)
Dreamweaver 8.0
Blender 2.42a
PureBasic 4.00
SnagIt 8.2.0 (Build-156)
SFV Checker 1.40
Resource Hacker
Replace Text In Files 1.0
Quick Batch File Compiler
Orca 3.1.4000.2049
Inno Setup Compiler 5.1.9
Imageshackert 0.5.1
HashCalc 2.01
Google Earth 4.0.2693b
ExamDiff Pro
Buddy Icon Grabber 1.03
Hex-Workshop 4.23
Internet DownloAD Manager 5.7
NET Framework v2.0.50727.42
NET Framework v1.1 SP1 with Hotfixes
Service Tuner 2007-v1.0
Process Explorer v10.06
SiSoftware Sandra Enterprise v2007.9.10.105
PartitionMagic v8.05 (Build-1371)
HD Tune v2.52
Disk Temperature v1.0 build 34
Disk Speed v1.0
Dead Disk Doctor v1.24
CPU Z v1.38
Aida32 SysInfo v3.94.2
SpywareBlaster v3.5.1 (29.12.2006)
Rootkit Revealer v1.7
Mailwasher Pro v5.3
KeePass Password Safe v1.06 (+Plugins)
Hitman Pro v2.5.3.3
HijackThis v1.99.1
HijackFree v2.1.0.34
Ad Aware SE Pro v1.06-r1-(18.12.2006)
WinASO Registry Optimizer v2.80
RegSupreme Pro v1.4.0.48
Regmon v7.02
Registry Toolkit v3.5
Registry Pruner v2.5
Stellar-Phoenix-Recovery Suite v2.1(CDROM-FAT-NTFS-Linux)
Passware Kit Enterprise v7.9 (Build-2141)
Active@ UNDELETE v5.1.021
Winamp Pro v5.32
Swiff Playerv1.1(For-SWF-Files)
Cyberlink Power DVD v 7.0
Musicmatch Jukebox Plus v10.00.4033
Mplayer (MPUI) v1.1.10 (Build-33)
Core Media Player v4.11.452
LimeWire Pro v4.13.0(Requires Java)
eMule v0.47c
BitLord v1.01
BitComet v0.81
Azureus v2.5.0.0(Requires-Java)
WS FTP-Professional 2007 (v2007.0.0.0)
WinHTTrack Website Copier v3.40-2
WhoIs v2.6.5 (Karen Kenworthy)
VisualRoute 2007 Personal Edition v11.0a(Build-3312)
TCP View v2.40
PeerGuardian v2.0(Beta-6b)
Hide IP-Platinum v3.31
GFI-LANguard NSS Enterprise v7.0 Build-20060609
FTP Wanderer v2.8.1
FlashGet v1.8.0.1002
FlashFXP v3.4.1.1152b
FileZilla v2.2.29
Ethereal v0.99.0(+WinPcap v3.1.0.27)
DU-Meter v3.50 (Build-R2822)
Media Monkey Gold v2.5.4.978
MagicISO v5.3.216b
Daemon Tools v3.47
WinVDR PRO v3.7.0(Build-110)
WinAVI Video Converter v7.7
VirtualDub v1.6.17
VirtualDub v1.3c(Has-ASF-Support)
TMPGEnc Plus v2.59.47.155
Sonic Scenarist v4.01.25a(Hi-Definition-DVD-ONLY)
Alcohol 120 v1.9.2(Build 1705)
Sonic Scenarist Pro v3.1.0.193444
MPEG Video Wizard DVD(14.12.2006)
MainConcept Personal Video-Recorder v1.1.4
Gvi2Avi v1.2.0.0(Requires.NET-Framework-v2.0)
EO Video v1.36
Cinema Craft Encoder SP v2.70.02.10
Cinema Craft Encoder SP2 v1.00.00.11
BlindWrite v.
GIF Movie Gear v4.1.1
GIMP 2.2.13 (Includes-GTK+-2-Runtimes)
IrfanView v3.99
DVD Shrink v3.2.0.15
DVD-Region+CSS Free v5.9.8.5
DVDFab Platinum v3.0.5.0
DVD Decrypter v3.5.4.0
DVD Audio Ripper v4.0.59 (Build-1122)
DVD2One v2.1.1
DVD2DVD-R Pro 2.1.0 RC3 (Requires-ASPI-Driver)
CloneDVD v4.0.11.458 (DVD X Studios)
CloneDVD v2.9.0.3 (Slysoft)
CloneCD v5.3.0.1(Slysoft)
Bitrate Viewer v1.5.054
AnyDVD v6.1.0.0
System File Defragmenter v2.32
Vopt Defragmenter v8.06
PerfectDisk Defragmenter v8.0 (Build45)
Diskeeper 2007 Pro Premier v11.0.686
WinRAR v3.62
ZipGenius Suite Edition v6.0.3.1130
WinGizmo v2.0.3.235
Trillian Pro v3.1 (Build-121)
mIRC v6.21
Skype v3.0.0.198
Google Toolbar 4.0.513(Internet-Explorer)
Mozbackup v1.4.5
Off By One Browser v3.5d
Ijini Browser v1.1
Acronis True Image Home v10.0.4871
Acronis True Image Enterprise Server v9.1.3718
Vibe Streamer v2.06
Sony Sound Forge v8.0 (Build-53)
RM To MP3 WAV Converter v2.15
Magic Audio Converter v8.2.4 (Build-689)
KraMixer-DJ-v1.0.3 (No Spyware Edition)
Fruity-Loops-Studio-ProducerEdition XXL 6.0.8 (With All Plugins)
Audiograbber 1.83
AudioBlast 1.6
XP Amp Theme (msstyles-file)
Real Alternative
QuickTime Alternative
Fraunhofer IIS MP3 Codec
Klite Codec Pack 2.82F
DirectX Redistributable December
Java Runtime Environment 6.0
Adobe Acrobat Reader 8
VMWare Workstation 5.53
Clock tray Skins 3.5
XP Sidebar Deluxe
PowerIso 3.5
TuneUp utilites 2007 English
Opera 9.10 Final
Avant Browser 11.0 Build 39
Mozilla FireFox
Nod32 2.57
ACD See 9.00
Ashampoo FireWall PRO v1.14
.NetFramework 3.0
Virtual P.C. 2007
OO Defrag Pro 8.5.178
Windows Media Player 11
Utorrent 1.6
McAfee VirusScan Enterprise v8.5.0i
Picasa 2.6
Everest Ultimate Edition 3.50.761
Image Resizer Powertoy
RoboForm 6.8.4
Damn NFO Viewer
Unlocker 1.8.5
Search & Destroy 1.5
Several Vista Glass Aero WBAS (WindowBlinds).
AVG AntiVirus 7.5.433

Driver packs

7.01.2 - DriverPacks BASE
6.12 - DriverPack Chipset
6.09.1 - DriverPack CPU
7.01 - DriverPack Graphics A
6.12 - DriverPack Graphics B
6.12 - DriverPack Graphics C
6.12 - DriverPack LAN
7.01 - DriverPack MassStorage

Integrated 150 visual Styles:

Zion Zune 7 Aero Style (Glass - Beta 2) Aero UI (Day) Aero UI (Night) Allure Beige Bikini Black BlackGold BlackIce BlandXP Blink BlueHeart BlynkNET Bugatti ProBlue Calypso CatalystVS Celestial ChaNinjaStyle_RC5 ChaNinjaStyle_RC5_Bonus Classic CoolXP4 corona Crystal dlb 2 Crystal dlb BE CrystalAero cxpae DarkLibar DarkWall Descent Diamond DragonStyle Element ElementA Energy Blue eXistenZ Fiesta first Forever Blue G2 GoldCoast Gray GreyOb InsetRed InspiratSE InspiratSECompakt Jade Style Kimbra LE5 LiQuidskY Longhorn Aero Luna (Longhorn Revolution) Luna Lite Luna Royale
LunarBlue Mac OS X Midnight MidniteXP MindWood Misfit mrs mix blue MRSSILVER msn MtlBlade MX5 Natural NewXP NightElf NightMove Octalized Office 2007 OpusOS OSXP OSXP1 Palladium Patriotic PHENOM Pipeline Platinum Platinum Mist Remix Plex Style Plex Style (Media Center Edition) plexiglas v2 Pristine Q RedDragon Redvista_?? Reflections RhodiumX
Royal Full Start Menu Royal_Five_Color_Mod Royale Royale06 Royale Glass Royale Noir RoyalFour RoyalInsLong RoyalInsMac RoyalMod Sentinel_A Sentinel_B Shine Signs Simplex3 Simplex6 Slate Athens Slate PDC Slate ******* Slate XP Soft Silver Static View SunSetBall TallyHawk The Blue ThinVista Trekgrey Trippin true Vertigo Vista VistaCG VistaPerfection VistaXP VS7 War3ORC WatercolorLite Windows MAX V4 Windows Xp Style Wood WinVista Wood Xanadu XoddX XPAmp

Ryans' Update pack Addon
Hot fixes Included. January 2007

Other Updates
Adobe Flash Player ActiveX Control
Macrovision SafeDisc Driver Fix 4.00.060
Microsoft European Union Expansion Font Update 1.1
Microsoft Qfecheck
Microsoft Update
Microsoft Web Folders 9.60.6715.0 (KB892211)
Microsoft Windows ****** 5.6.8831 (Includes KB917344 Hotfix)
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (Includes KB927978 Hotfix)
MSXML 6.0 (Includes KB927977 Hotfix)

Registry Tweaks
DSO Exploit registry fix that Spybot Search & Destroy complains about

Didn't use N'Lite as it sometimes applies tweaks that are unwanted.
Didn't include Ricks Sidebar as too unreliable.
Didn't add any tweaks, nor disable anything,
You can pick tweaks in Menu.

Download ( No Serial No. Or Activation Required): (Rapidshare.com) تحميل لا يحتاج للتسجيل

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مراقب عام منتدى أقسام الكليه ومشرف قسمى حاسبات وكورسات هندسيه

عدد المساهمات : 5020
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/06/2007
العمر : 37
الموقع : سرى
رقم العضوية : 10
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اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· 35lwakp

اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· 25f2452

اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· 33aukch

اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· 2cnfrkh

Here is the long-awaited version which contains a bunch of hotfixes (Microsoft Official Updates Post-SP2 Pre-Sp3)

here is a brief de******ion about the WW v2.5

# v2.5 (28-8-2007)
- Massive updates, renewals, replacements, Dramatic Changes
- Faster, Better Performance, Safer, More Mature, More Stable
- Adding the Latest Microsoft official updates from last July 2006 to 26 June 2007, which change the

Windows Build from .06 to .071030 (find out your build # by Run > Winver)
- Updating the ArabicMUI (now Compatible with Xpize)
- Updating CCleaner v1.30 > CCleaner v1.40
- Updating CPU-Z v1.33 > CPU-Z v1.4
- Updating Firefox v1.5.0.4 with Extensions > Firefox v2.0.0.6 with Extensions & Search Engines

- Updating Flash Player v9.0 > Flash Player v10
- Updating Media Player Classic v6.4.9.0 > Media Player Classic v6.4.9.0+ (Newer Build with Video Files association)
- Updating Microsoft Office 2003
- Updating Nero v7.2.0.3 Lite > Nero Burning v7.7.5.1 Micro
- Updating NOD32 v2.51.26 > NOD32 v2.70.39
- Updating PhotoFiltre v6.1.5 > PhotoFiltre v6.2.7
- Updating Process Explorer v10.06 > Process Explorer v10.21
- Updating Sun Java2 Runtime Environment v5.0.7 > Sun Java2 Runtime Environment v6.0.2
- Updating Win32Pad v1.5.10 > Win32Pad v1.5.10.2
- Updating Windows Live Messenger v8.0 > Windows Live Messenger v8.1.0178 (No Adds)
- Updating Winamp Pro v5.1 > Winamp Pro v5.35
- Updating Windows Media Player v11 > Windows Media Player v11.0.5705.5043
- Updating WinRAR v3.51 > WinRAR v3.7 Corp
- Updating XPize v4.4 > Xpize v4.7
- Updating Yahoo! Messenger v7.5.0.814 > Yahoo! Messenger v8.1.0.415
- Updating WPI 5.0 > WPI v5.6
- Updating Wallpaper Changer
- Updating the Autostart Menu dramatically
- Replacing ACDsee > XnView v1.91.3 (Full Version)
- Replacing Adobe Reader > FoxIt PDF Pro Reader v2.1 (Super Fast with Editing Capability)
- Replacing IDM > Orbit Downloader v2.0.7 (which can download streaming Videos like Youtube)
- Replacing K-Lite Mega Codec > Vista Codec Package v4.4.9
- Replacing PhotoFiltrer > Paint.Net v3.10
- Replacing XoftSpy > SpyBot Search & Destroy v1.4
- Replacing Zume Deluze with Pixelus Deluxe!
- Adding DaemonTools v4.10
- Adding Driver Genius 2007 (for Drivers BackUp into One Exe File)
- Adding TuneUp Utilities 2007 v6.0.2311
- Adding 28 Boot Screens (Run by the above proggy)
- Adding HWiNFO32 v1.74 (Detailed Info about your Hardware)
- Adding HiJack This v2.0.2
- Adding FileLocator Pro v4.0 (Super Fast File Search Utility on you PC)
- Adding Foxit PDF Editor v1.5
- Adding Internet Explorer v7.0.5730.11 Final!
- Adding Internet Explorer SpellChecker
- Adding IE7pro v0.9.16 (Extra Pro options for IE7)
- Adding VerbAce - English Arabic Dictionary 2007
- Adding RainLander v2.2
- Adding Screen Marker v0.1
- Adding doPDF (for making PDF files)
- Adding Control Panel Items
- Adding TreeCopy v1.11 (let you Copy Only Folder Structure without Files)
- Adding All NirSoft Proggies
- Adding All Sysinternals Proggies
- Fixing the Advanced WMI Thing
- Fixing the Issue of ArabicMui with Xpize
- Fixing Minor Bugs

Download : Rapidshare.com تحميل

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الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مراقب عام منتدى أقسام الكليه ومشرف قسمى حاسبات وكورسات هندسيه
مراقب عام منتدى أقسام الكليه ومشرف قسمى حاسبات وكورسات هندسيه

عدد المساهمات : 5020
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/06/2007
العمر : 37
الموقع : سرى
رقم العضوية : 10
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XP Black Edition With SP3

اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· Wrau7o

اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· 2cpfa0j

اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· Idzyvb

This version of Windows XP is designed for your convenience. It requires less memory from your system and it doesn’t need a serial number as this is the unattended version.
It includes the following programs:

* Acrobat 8.0
* WindowBlind 5.04 Enhanced plus many new themes
* TuneUp Utilities 2007 English
* Microsoft Java VM Build 3809
* Sun Java 2 Version5.0.6 W/SP2
* IE 7 Final Activated
* Firefox 2
* Thunderbird
* Klite Codec Pack 2.80
* Window Media Player 11
* ZoneAlarm 6.5.737.2006 Pro
* Blindwrite By eXperience
* Nero 7.59 Lite
* PowerIso
* Ultra Iso
* Fraunhofer IIs MP3 Code
* Quicktime Alternative
* Acrobat Reader
* WinRAR
* Windows Vista RTM sidebar plus extra gadgets

History of updates and fixes;
- Added Segoe Print and Segoe ****** Fonts (Fixes Notes Gadget)
- Added more cool Gadgets (Black Jack, Tetris, Bricks, Pong, Command Launcher, Internet Search)
- Fixed Version Number in Add-Remove Programs (from 5477 to 5744)
- Minor RegDLL Changes
- Now uses ProfileItems for QuickLaunch Shortcut
- Improved Installation process (No more RunOnceEx Box)
- Fixed VAIO Shell Extension not registering
- Added Vista Calculator and Drive Info Gadgets
- Changed skin to Glass
- Quick Launch shortcut moved to UserProfile
- Systray Icon issue FIXED! (Had to go from RTM 6.0.6000 down to RC2 6.0.5744, I will go back to RTM when the new VAIO Build is released)
- Added Calibri fonts (Fixes CPU Meeter)
- Changed the Sidebar Skin to a much nicer one as you can see in the screenshot (Fade Skin)
- Changed Shortcut placement from All Programs to All Programs -> Accesories

Download : (Rapidshare.com تحميل

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مراقب عام منتدى أقسام الكليه ومشرف قسمى حاسبات وكورسات هندسيه

عدد المساهمات : 5020
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/06/2007
العمر : 37
الموقع : سرى
رقم العضوية : 10
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Windows XP Crystal V3 2008

اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· 2qib3i9

اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· Zl6vt2

اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· 2ic031j

1-All latest hotfixes integrated till this moment
2-More speed while browsing internet and network computers
3-New programs has been added with the latest versions
4-More useful registry tweaks
5-Faster connection speed has been unlocked
6-Annoying windows error message has been disabled
7-windows file protection has been disabled
8-New beautiful background wallpapers
9-New style icons and themes
10-Transparent glass aero
11-New boot screen and logon screen
and much more
Windows Crystal XP V3
Only install this edition of Windows onto a freshly formatted partition

First of all there is {no languages or drivers has been removed**


Help and support files
Wallpapers and backgrunds {Replaced**
Windows Sounds
Old Windows Themes {Replaced**
Movie Maker
Old Windows Cursures {Replaced**
Old screen savers

All latest microsoft sp2 hotfixes till july 2007

Internet Explorer 7
Media Player 11
Flash player 9
Direct x9
Control panel addons:
1-Boot safe
2-Boot Vis
3-Clear Type Tuning
6-HD Tune
8-Mem Test
9-MS Autoplay Repair Wizard
10-MS Time Zone
11-MS Virtual cd-Rom
12-MS Config
13-Msi Cleanup Utility
14-Services and Devices
15-Startup Control Panel
17-User Accounts 2
18-Win Update List

Default Programs

1-Foxit pdf reader
2-K-Lite Mega codec pack
3-Node23 Antiviruse
4-Orbit Downloader
5-Tuneup Utilities
6-Winamp mp3 player
7-Windows Live Messenger
8-Winrar Corporat
9-Yahoo Messenger

Optional Programs
1-Firefox Web Browser
2-Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0
3-Microsoft Java
4-Faststone Image Viewer
5-Nero Micro v7.7.5.1
6-UltraISO Premium Edition
7-Powertoy Image Resizer
9-Paint .Net
10-Flash Games

Download : (Rapidshare.com تحميل

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مراقب عام منتدى أقسام الكليه ومشرف قسمى حاسبات وكورسات هندسيه

عدد المساهمات : 5020
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/06/2007
العمر : 37
الموقع : سرى
رقم العضوية : 10
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(Winutuxu OS with Sp2 (Combination Of Windows & Linux in One CD

اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· 6oe9oyb

اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· 6z5weut

اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· 7xjb4ab

Updated : Upto june 2007

Included : اخر تحديث في يوليو 2007 ويتضمن التحديث

JRE-5.0-Update-6 Gtk+-2.10.13 Python-2.5.1 Vcredist Dotnetfx-2.0 InfraRecorder-0.43.1 Cdrtfe-1.3 CdFly-0.3 7zip-4.51 Peazip-1.8.2 Gimp-2.2.17 Blender-2.44 Inkscape-0.45.1 ImageMagick-6.3.4 Frozen_bubble-1.0.0 Supertux-0.3.0 Tuxracer Sudoku-easy Clamwin-0.91.1 FireFox- Thunderbird- Sunbird-0.5 httrack-3.41 Nvu-1.0 Pidgin-2.0.2 TrueDownloader-0.82 Audacity-1.3.3 Traverso-0.40.0 AviDemux-2.4 Vivia-0.1 OpenOffice-2.2.1 NotePad++-4.1.2: SumatraPDF-0.6 Vlc-0.8.6c KMPlayer- SMPlayer-0.5.21 Songbird-0.2 Winmd5sum

No Need Of Any Serial No And It Is Validated XP, So Genuine And You Can Get Updates From MS.

Download: (Rapidshare.com تحميل

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مراقب عام منتدى أقسام الكليه ومشرف قسمى حاسبات وكورسات هندسيه

عدد المساهمات : 5020
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/06/2007
العمر : 37
الموقع : سرى
رقم العضوية : 10
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Windows XP 64 Bit With SP2

اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· Nbyxpw

If you're looking for large amounts of memory and improved floating-point performance for tasks that rely on real-number data, such as mechanical design and analysis, three-dimensional (3-D) animation, video editing and composition, and scientific and high-performance computing, Windows XP Professional x64 Edition is designed for you. With its 64-bit processor, Windows XP Professional x64 Edition gives you access to greater amounts of memory while continuing to support 32-bit applications.
More memory, improved performance
The expanding data and performance needs of business, academic, engineering, and scientific organizations have pushed the limits and capabilities of existing information technology (IT) platforms. Millions of people worldwide need to access gigabytes or even terabytes of data in real time. The increasingly sophisticated demands for making home movies, working with digital photographs, using digital media, and playing 3-D games is also stretching the capabilities of existing 32-bit PCs.Advances in processor technology that extend the capabilities of x86 architecture have brought the power of 64-bit computing to you. Now, you can use a 64-bit operating system to seamlessly run 32-bit and cutting-edge 64-bit applications. Windows XP Professional x64 Edition takes full advantage of this new architecture. The major difference between 32-bit and 64-bit editions of Windows is memory support. With more memory, you can run more programs at the same time, and run more memory-intensive programs like multimedia, gaming, and database programs. And your computer's performance will be faster overall.

( Download : (Rapidshare.com تحميل

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مراقب عام منتدى أقسام الكليه ومشرف قسمى حاسبات وكورسات هندسيه

عدد المساهمات : 5020
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/06/2007
العمر : 37
الموقع : سرى
رقم العضوية : 10
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Windows TinyXP Platinum Edition 2

اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· 24dle1y

released: June 17, 2007
To install TinyXP from this CD, set your PC
in the BIOS to boot from your CD-ROM drive.Only install this operating system onto a freshly formatted partition or hard disk.
All installations are set to US English. (This can be changed after installation)
[When you boot from this CD you have five options]
1 - TinyXP With IE/OE/WMP (With Drivers)
2 - TinyXP With IE/OE/WMP (Without Drivers)
3 - TinyXP Without IE/OE/WMP (With Drivers)
4 - TinyXP Without IE/OE/WMP (Without Drivers)
5 - Boot Into Acronis Backup + Restore
[Abbreviations from above]
IE = Internet Explorer 7 Web Browser
OE = Outlook Express Email Client
WMP = Windows Media Player 11
[Automatically Installed Programs]
- Service Pack 2 For Windows XP
- 133 Hotfixes Up To 12th June 2007
- Flash Player v9.0.28.0
- Opera v9.21 (only installed on options without IE7)
- Prio (Task Manager Priority Saver) v1.9.6
- Royale Noir and Royale Blue Themes
- Thunderbird v2.0.0.0 (only installed on options without OE)
- Vista Aero Glass Theme v4
- Vista Drive Indicator v3.1.1.0
- VMware 5 Tools v5.5.4 Build 44386 (only installed in VMware 5)
[Other added items in system32]
- cdimage.exe (Lets you make ISO's on the command line)
- CDR.exe (Right click of optical drives to close the CD tray)
- lame_enc.dll (Many encoding programs require this for MP3 encoding)
- layout.dll (This gives you the "Save desktop icon layout" option)
- makecab.exe (More up to date version that actually works)
- On-Screen Keyboard (osk.exe)
- pskill.exe (Kill processes on the command line)
- sleep.exe (Make a batch command file wait for a given period of time)
- Video res changer to force 1024 x 768 on install
[Here is a breakdown of the five boot options]
- For Micro$oft fans...
The first two options include Internet Explorer 7 Web Browser, Outlook
Express Email Client and Windows Media Player 11 so Windows XP is up to
date and as Bill Gates intended.

- For people who don't like Micro$oft programs...
The second two options do not include Internet Explorer 7, Outlook Express,
or Windows Media Player 11. In the second two options where IE/OE/WMP are
removed, Opera v9.21 is installed to replace Internet Explorer and Mozilla
Thunderbird v2.0.0.0 is installed to replace Outlook Express.

- Automatic Driver Installation...
Options one and three both include drivers to cover the following: Chipset,
CPU, Ethernet LAN Cards, SATA (Mass Storage) and Wireless Ethernet.

- No Drivers Included...
Options two and four do not contain those drivers - this is in case you
have SATA problems with the first or third options, or if you just want
to install your own drivers.

- Acronis Backup + Restore...
Option five allows you to backup your existing partition(s) before
installing Windows, or you can quickly restore a backup made previously
with Acronis. This version of Acronis True Image Home is safe to use
if you want to back up Windows Vista.
[Windows Post Install Menu]

These programs are installable from the "Install Programs"
icon on your Desktop. You need to have the TinyXP CD
in your CD drive for these items to install:
- DirectX DLL Libraries #24 to #33
- FoxIt PDF Reader Pro v2.0 Build 1312
- Java SE Runtime Environment 6 Update 1 v1.6.0_01
- K-Lite Mega Codec Pack v2.10
- NOD32 Antivirus v2.70.39
- Nero Micro (Express and Burning ROM) v7.9.6.0
- .NET Framework 2.0 v2.0.50727.42
- Office 2003 SP2 Lite v11.6568.6568
- Opera Browser v9.21
- PeerGuardian v2.0 Beta 6b
- Perfectdisk Defrag Server Edition v8.0 Build 64
- Photoshop CS2 v9.0.2
- Sygate Personal Firewall Pro v5.6 Build 3408
- Sound Forge v9.0a Build 297
- Thunderbird v2.0.0.0
- uTorrent v1.6.1 Build 490
- VMware Workstation v5.5.4 Build 44386
- Windows Live Messenger v8.1.0178.0
- WinRAR v3.70

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مراقب عام منتدى أقسام الكليه ومشرف قسمى حاسبات وكورسات هندسيه

عدد المساهمات : 5020
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/06/2007
العمر : 37
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رقم العضوية : 10
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Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005

اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· 2aezair

Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 lets you do everything other Windows XP PCs do—and a whole lot more. Browse the Web, play your favorite PC games, e-mail and instant message your friends, and install and use programs designed for Windows XP. Media Center also delivers a powerful yet familiar way to enjoy all of your digital entertainment—photos, music, TV, movies, home videos, radio, and a world of applications and services whether you're sitting in front of your Windows desktop or across the room with a remote control. Media Center is your all-in-one PC and home entertainment center.
Enjoy DVD movies on your Media Center PC. You’ll get full progressive-scan DVD playback with online chapter lookup on Media Center PCs equipped with DVD decoders manufactured by Media Center partners (standard hardware on new PC configurations). My TV offers a simple way to browse, watch, and record TV, even on multiple channels at the same time (both analog and over-the-air digital). TV features work with an antenna, cable, or satellite TV signal and have a fast and easy setup. My TV includes Live TV, Recorded TV, the Program Guide, Guide Search, and the new Movie Finder2 service—all without a monthly service fee.
My Music offers access to your personal and online music collection. Now it's easier than ever to play a music CD, copy it into your library, burn a CD, create a playlist, and edit album details.
My Videos offers an alternate view of your My Videos folder in Windows XP, organizing files and folders by date or by name and displaying a thumbnail image for each clip. My Videos supports common video types including standard avi, .mpg, and .wmv files.
My Pictures provides a fun new way to instantly enjoy and share your digital photos. Download pictures from your digital camera, view your pictures and graphics,create a near-instant slide show, touch up, print, and burn photos to CD—all with your remote control.Burn recorded TV to CDs and DVDs with built-in CD/DVD burning, easily share pictures and home movies, and burn CD mixes.
Online Spotlight is your portal into a wide and growing range of on-demand entertainment. Online Spotlight is an online guide that offers quick and easy access to a wide range of music and radio services, movie download and on-demand services, as well as information services which give you instant access to customized sports, news, and entertainment programming online.
Enjoy hours of TV, music, video, and digital photos on the go by transferring your favorite media to a Portable Media Center, Smartphone, Pocket PC, music player, or other storage devices, such as external hard disk drives.

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مراقب عام منتدى أقسام الكليه ومشرف قسمى حاسبات وكورسات هندسيه

عدد المساهمات : 5020
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/06/2007
العمر : 37
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رقم العضوية : 10
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Windows XP Vortex Vista

اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· 2d19289

اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· 27zvq89

اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· Wgokzk

Vortex Vista Graphics
This version of Vortex Vista will change windows xp appearance to windows vista. so it will change setup screen,boot screen,login screen,activation screen,defualt theme,wallpapers,icons,screen savers,sounds and appearance settings these changes are built-in changes so you will not be able to restore windows xp graphics.
Vortex Vista Programs
This version of VORTEX? Vista has some built-in software like
Windows Media Player 11 DivX,K-Lite Codec Pack Real Alternative Winamp 5 Fix for MPEG4 videos in Windows Media Player MSN Messenger 8 Yahoo Messenger 8 Internet Explorer 7 Final Winrar 3.6 ACDsee 8 MSJava
Ultraiso .
You will find also extra features in you control panel like
Bootvis CPL ClearType CPL CPU-Z 1.37 CPL DirectX CPL Hoster 3.5 CPL MemTest v3.4 CPL Microsoft AutoPlay Repair Wizard CPL Microsoft TimeZone CPL (Needs .net framework ) MSI CleanUp Utility 4.4 New MSConfig CPL Regedit CPL SafeXP CPL Startup CPL Services and Devices CPL TweakUI CPL Windows Task Manager CPL WinUpdatesList CPL User Accounts 2 CPL

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مراقب عام منتدى أقسام الكليه ومشرف قسمى حاسبات وكورسات هندسيه

عدد المساهمات : 5020
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/06/2007
العمر : 37
الموقع : سرى
رقم العضوية : 10
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Windows XP 9 In 1

اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· Bgsc3s

اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· Msgeux

اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· 2hcqnb6

This CD contains 9 versions of Windows XP with Service Pack 2
integrated, straight from Microsoft.There is a 'special' version of Windows XP Media Center 2005, an 'Integrated' ISO which can be created. This integrated ISO's has both CD's of Media Center in one for easier installation. The CD contains:
--Windows XP Home OEM with Service Pack 2
--Windows XP Home Retail with Service Pack 2
--Windows XP Home Upgrade with Service Pack 2
--Windows XP Mzedia Center 2005 with Service Pack 2
--Windows XP Pro Corp with Service Pack 2
--Windows XP Pro OEM with Service Pack 2
--Windows XP Pro Retail with Service Pack 2
--Windows XP Pro Upgrade with Service Pack 2

When Extracted It Becomes 4.0 GB. You Can Make Individual Iso's Of Any Of The 9 OS's.

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مراقب عام منتدى أقسام الكليه ومشرف قسمى حاسبات وكورسات هندسيه

عدد المساهمات : 5020
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/06/2007
العمر : 37
الموقع : سرى
رقم العضوية : 10
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Windows XP Crystal Edition 2007

اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· 2jcwnkl

اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· 2d0g9dy

More themes & icons ,New beautiful background wallpapers ,More useful registry tweaks n Many MoreFEATURES:
- More themes & icons - Windows file protection has been disabled - Annoying windows error message has been disabled - Faster connection speed has been unlocked. No more slow connection-speed while using P2P programs like Kazee, eMule & - Concurrent session has been enabled - More useful registry tweaks - New beautiful background wallpapers - New fun games
- Irfanview 3.99 - Internet Download Manager 5.07 - FOXIT Pdf Reader v2 Portable - DirectX 9.0c - DAMN NFO Viewer v2.10.0032 - TuneUp Utilities v2006.5.3.2343 - UltraISO Premium v8.6.0.1936 - Sagethumbs - Right Click ****L Ext - Rain Meter - Make Boot ISO/Data Iso - Rapget 126 Portable - openoffice v2.1.0 - NOD32 Antivirus System v2.70.16 - ms-java - Mozilla Firefox 2 Final Portable - Klm Mega codec Pack 162 - Winrar v3.62 - Windows Live Messenger v8.1.0106.00 - Winamp v5.3.2 Portable - Utorrent Portable - Internet Explorer 7 Final - Windows Media Player 11 Final - K-lite mega codec - Multi boot interface

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مراقب عام منتدى أقسام الكليه ومشرف قسمى حاسبات وكورسات هندسيه

عدد المساهمات : 5020
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/06/2007
العمر : 37
الموقع : سرى
رقم العضوية : 10
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XP Students Corporate Edition May 07

اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· 24b916o

his release was made using NOPe's Disc which doesnt require Any activation crack. We simply added every single windows update except for the .net frameworks, WMP11 & IE7 is Integrated, No crack required.This is by far the best XP Pro disc to date.
When you go to windowsupdate it will tell you taht you are up to date, if you want the .net frameworks, choose custom and select them. There is no difference between Corporate Pro And Student Pro other than the activation not required.

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مراقب عام منتدى أقسام الكليه ومشرف قسمى حاسبات وكورسات هندسيه

عدد المساهمات : 5020
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/06/2007
العمر : 37
الموقع : سرى
رقم العضوية : 10
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Windows XP Ultimate 2007

اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· 2ztj43p

اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· 347emf8

Include SP 2 And All Updates,Patches And Fixes Upto May 2007. Media Player 11. Yahoo messenger 8.1 . Perfect Disk. WinRAR 3.62 . Internet Explorer 7. all new upgrade ...............................

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مراقب عام منتدى أقسام الكليه ومشرف قسمى حاسبات وكورسات هندسيه

عدد المساهمات : 5020
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/06/2007
العمر : 37
الموقع : سرى
رقم العضوية : 10
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Windows Gamer XP 4.0

اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· Ojjotz

With the first load in the system there will be only 16 processes, butwithout the loss of functionality. Are included on renovations until 19December 2006, DirectX 9.0c in December, several useful utilities forgamers and the set of play visual styles for the working table of playtematics. 16 processes with full functionality. Default theme at startup.Added ryans update pack December 19 2006.
GameBoost v1.12.11.2006

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مراقب عام منتدى أقسام الكليه ومشرف قسمى حاسبات وكورسات هندسيه

عدد المساهمات : 5020
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/06/2007
العمر : 37
الموقع : سرى
رقم العضوية : 10
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Microsoft Plus For Windows XP

اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· 24612lz

Enjoy stunning screen savers and themes, play exciting games, and do more with photos, music, and home movies. Plus! SuperPack combines Plus! for Windows XP and Plus! Digital Media Edition into a single SuperPack!
Easily create amazing slideshows with your digital photos Create photo slideshows with your own narration, music, and effects that you can share through e-mail or Video CDs that play on most home DVD players.
Screensavers and Themes
Personalize your PC with screen savers and themes Enjoy eight astounding screen savers and four stunning themes. Experience a life-like 3-D marine aquarium, take a ride into outer space, and more!
Take a break with fun and exciting games Get a new spin on bowling, navigate challenging 3-D mazes, or test your quick puzzle-solving skills.
Take your music to the max Easily create CD/DVD labels and inserts. Enjoy colorful skins, party mode, and desktop dancers for Windows Media Player. And more!
Turn your home movies into a Hollywood production Make your movies even more impressive with 50 video effects and transitions for Windows Movie Maker 2.

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مراقب عام منتدى أقسام الكليه ومشرف قسمى حاسبات وكورسات هندسيه

عدد المساهمات : 5020
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/06/2007
العمر : 37
الموقع : سرى
رقم العضوية : 10
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مراقب عام منتدى أقسام الكليه ومشرف قسمى حاسبات وكورسات هندسيه

عدد المساهمات : 5020
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/06/2007
العمر : 37
الموقع : سرى
رقم العضوية : 10
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اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· WinXP_USB

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مراقب عام منتدى أقسام الكليه ومشرف قسمى حاسبات وكورسات هندسيه

عدد المساهمات : 5020
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/06/2007
العمر : 37
الموقع : سرى
رقم العضوية : 10
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اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا·   اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· I_icon_minitimeالإثنين 17 مارس - 7:23

اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· Windows_xp_sp3

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مراقب عام منتدى أقسام الكليه ومشرف قسمى حاسبات وكورسات هندسيه
مراقب عام منتدى أقسام الكليه ومشرف قسمى حاسبات وكورسات هندسيه

عدد المساهمات : 5020
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/06/2007
العمر : 37
الموقع : سرى
رقم العضوية : 10
Upload Photos : اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· Upload

اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا·   اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· I_icon_minitimeالإثنين 17 مارس - 7:24

اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا· Vista-transformation-pack

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
اكثر من ( 250 نسخة ) وندوز اكس بي و فيستا·
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 14انتقل الى الصفحة : 1, 2, 3 ... 7 ... 14  الصفحة التالية
 مواضيع مماثلة
» نسخة ويندوز فيستا مضغوطة لمساحة 3.77 ميجابايت Windows Vista Ultimate 32-bit Only 4MB
» حصريا أصغر نسخة ويندوز فيستا على مستوى المنتديات وممكن تتسطب من الفلاشة Windows Vista Portable Edition 2009 | 112,5 MB
» حصريا أصغر نسخة ويندوز فيستا فى التاريخ Windows Vista Extra Small Edition 2009 | 110MB
» حصريا نسخة ويندوز فيستا صغيره جدا وبورتبال كمان وبأحدث إصدار لها Windows Vista Portable Edition 2009 2009 | Windows Vista | Lang eng | 112,5 MB
» برنامج ACDSee Pro 2.5.358 نسخة كاملة مع الكيجين الفعال ، على اكثر من سيرفر

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
منتدى طلبة كلية الهندسه بأسوان :: المنتدى الهندسى العام للكمبيوتر والمحمول :: برامج الكمبيوتر- القسم العام :: برامج ميكروسوفت + ويندوز-
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