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 حصريا كتب السى شارب الأحدث والأندر على الإطلاق c# Books

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عدد المساهمات : 12635
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/05/2007
العمر : 38
الموقع : فى غيابات الهندسة المدنية
رقم العضوية : 3
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Apress Pro LINQ Object Relational Mapping in C Sharp
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط] Publishing | ISBN: 1590599659 | 2008 | PDF | 405 pages | 6.3 Mb

Writing a book is a difficult task, one that cannot be done without the help of a supporting cast. Pro LINQ Object Relational Mapping with C# 2008 is not an exception; many people have contributed and made this project possible. First, I need to thank the wonderful people at Apress who were immeasurably helpful along the way. In particular, I would like to thank my excellent tech editor Fabio Ferracchiati, my project manager Sofia Marchant, my copy editor Sharon Wilkey, and my production editor Kelly Gunther. Thanks, team—this would not have been possible without you.
There are a number of people who have mentored and guided me over the years on the ins and outs of enterprise software development. First are two of my early mentors, Matt Crouch and George McCoy; you two taught me the fundamentals that school couldn’t, and for that I am very grateful. Next, the two Java guys who taught me to really appreciate object-relational mapping, Michael Kinnaird and Umesh Manocha, thank you for opening my eyes. Finally, the people who taught me to think about software architecture, in particular Paul Logston and Charles Hurley, thank you for influencing the way I think about software. The last group of people who made this book possible is my family. First, I need to thank my parents and sisters for always supporting me over the years. Last but definitely not least is my wonderful wife, Alia, without whom this book would not have been possible. Thank you for putting up with me during this process and helping to keep me sane.

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رقم العضوية : 3
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The Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) is a next generation graphics platform that is part of .NET 3.0 and .NET 3.5. It allows you to build advanced user interfaces that incorporate documents, media, 2D and 3D graphics, animations, and web-like characteristics. “Practical WPF Graphics Programming” provides all the tools you need to develop professional graphics applications using WPF and C#. This book will be useful for WPF and C# programmers of all skill levels. It provides a complete and comprehensive explanation of the WPF graphics capability, and pays special attention to the details of code implementation.

The book shows you how to create a variety of graphics ranging from simple 2D shapes to complex 3D surfaces and interactive 3D models. It includes over 120 code examples, which cover broad array of topics on WPF graphics programming. You will learn how to create a full range of 2D and 3D graphics applications and how to implement custom 3D geometries and shapes that can be reused in your WPF projects.

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عدد المساهمات : 12635
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/05/2007
العمر : 38
الموقع : فى غيابات الهندسة المدنية
رقم العضوية : 3
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GDI+ Application Custom Controls with Visual C# 2005:
A fast-paced example-driven tutorial to building custom controls using
Visual C# 2005 Express Edition and .NET 2.0

276 pages | Packt Publishing (October 7, 2006) | 1904811604 | PDF | 4 Mb

A fast-paced example-driven tutorial to building custom controls using Visual C# 2005 Express Edition and .NET 2.0. If you want to build custom controls with C# but you don't know where to start, or you are intimidated by the huge amount of information that needs to be absorbed, then this book is for you. This friendly tutorial is based on numerous examples with real-world applicability, and includes a case study featuring the development of a fully functional PieChart control. Showing you how to use the free Visual C# 2005 Express Edition environment to develop your controls, Building Custom Controls with Visual C# 2005 will teach you how to create professional, reusable custom controls for your desktop applications in no time. This book has been written with the intermediate C# developer in mind. Assuming a working knowledge of C#, the book teaches you how to implement custom controls using Visual C# 2005 Express Edition and all other versions of Visual C#, and GDI+ with .NET 2.0 The book covers: . Understand the basics of custom controls . Use GDI+ to draw your own controls . Implement double buffering to speed up your forms . Add printing functionality to your custom controls . Handle the mouse events to improve the user experience . Offer design-time support for programmers using your control . Design intuitive interfaces for your users

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عدد المساهمات : 12635
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/05/2007
العمر : 38
الموقع : فى غيابات الهندسة المدنية
رقم العضوية : 3
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GDI+ both wraps arcane API calls and extends them for much easier use. Programmers no longer have to make do with the familiar but simplistic VB 6.0 drawing model, nor do they have to dig down into the GDI API in order to get any real work done. In GDI+, Microsoft has come up with a complete, but still extensible, set of classes for all of the .NET programmer’s drawing needs.
GDI+ requires different techniques than the Windows GDI API, as it is completely stateless. GDI+ Programming in C# and VB .NET starts out with an explanation of GDI+ and how it relates to GDI. The book then dives deep into the GDI+ namespaces and classes. The book begins with basic drawing in the early chapters and then explains in an understandable manner more complex drawing techniques, including paths, gradients, alpha blends, matrix operations, and transformations.

Later chapters cover how to work with bitmaps and other images, as well as advanced drawing and printing techniques. The final two chapters are devoted to useful projects that show the subject matter of the previous chapters in real-world examples.
Throughout GDI+ Programming in C# and VB .NET, author Nick Symmonds not only explains the different namespaces and classes relating to GDI+, but also takes the time to cover the best practices of graphics programming. Woven throughout the book are numerous examples that tie together different aspects of programming in .NET that teach programmers how to get the best possible speed and efficiency out of their code.

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العمر : 38
الموقع : فى غيابات الهندسة المدنية
رقم العضوية : 3
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LINQ is the project name for a set of extensions to the .NET Framework that provide a generic approach to querying data from different data sources. LINQ will premier in Visual Studio 2008, and will become the next must-have skill for .NET developers.
Pro LINQ: Language Integrated Query in C# 2008 is all about code.
Literally, this book starts with code and ends with code. In most books, the author shows the simplest example demonstrating how to use a method, but they so rarely show how to use the more complex prototypes. Pro LINQ: Language Integrated Query in C# 2008 is different. Demonstrating the overwhelming majority of LINQ operators and protoypes, it is a veritable treasury of LINQ examples.

Rather than obscure the relevant LINQ principles in code examples by focusing on a demonstration application you have no interest in writing, Pro LINQ: Language Integrated Query in C# 2008 cuts right to the chase of each LINQ operator, method, or class. However, where complexity is necessary to truly demonstrate an issue, the examples are right there in the thick of it. For example, code samples demonstrating how to handle concurrency conflicts actually create concurrency conflicts so you can step through the code and see them unfold.
Most books tell you about the simple stuff, while few books warn you of the pitfalls. Where Pro LINQ: Language Integrated Query in C# 2008 returns your investment is in the hours, and sometimes days, spent by the author determining why something may not work as expected. Sometimes this results in an innocent looking paragraph that may take you a minute to read and understand, but took days to research and explain.
Face it, most technical books while informative, are dull. LINQ need not be dull. Written with a sense of humor, Pro LINQ: Language Integrated Query in C# 2008 will attempt to entertain you on your journey through the wonderland of LINQ and C# 2008.
What you’ll learn
How to leverage all the new LINQ relevant C# 2008 language features including extension methods, lambda expressions, anonymous data types, and partial methods.
How to use LINQ to Objects to query in-memory data collections such as arrays, ArrayLists, and Lists to retrieve the data you want.
Why some queries are deferred, how a deferred query can bite you, and how you can make deferred queries work for you.
How to use LINQ to XML to revolutionize your creation, manipulation, and searching of XML data.
How to query DataSets with LINQ to DataSet so you can co-exist with legacy code and use LINQ to query databases other than SQL Server.
How to query Databases with LINQ to SQL, write your own entity classes, and understand how to handle concurrency conflicts.
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عدد المساهمات : 12635
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/05/2007
العمر : 38
الموقع : فى غيابات الهندسة المدنية
رقم العضوية : 3
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This book is for anyone who wants to write good C# code—even if you have never programmed before. Writing good code can be a challenge—there are so many options, especially in a .NET language like C#. If you want to really get the best from a programming language, you need to know which features work best in which situations and understand their strengths and weaknesses. It is this understanding that makes the difference between coding and coding well.
Beginning C# 2008: From Novice to Professional, Second Edition has been written to teach you how to use the C# programming language to solve problems. From the earliest chapters, and from the first introductory concepts, you’ll be looking at real–world programming challenges and learning how C# can be used to overcome them. As you progress through the book, the problems become more involved and interesting, while the solutions become correspondingly more complex and powerful as C# features interact to achieve the results that you want.

This second edition has been revised and improved to now include the latest SQL Server 2008 release and explain how you can integrate SQL Server 2008 with your C# applications.
By the time you’ve finished reading this book and worked through the sample exercises, you’ll be a confident and very competent C# programmer. You will still have many explorations of the .NET Framework API to look forward to, but you will have a firm foundation to build from, and you will know exactly where to go to find the things that you need to progress confidently in your projects.
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عدد المساهمات : 12635
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/05/2007
العمر : 38
الموقع : فى غيابات الهندسة المدنية
رقم العضوية : 3
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WPF offers amazing new opportunities to .NET programmers in terms of the user interfaces they can deliver to their customers. But this significant technological advance comes with a steep learning curve, requiring the programmer to learn new classes, new syntax, and an entirely new approach to UI development.
Although WPF has been generally available for over a year, commercial take–up has been relatively slow, and the publicly available body of knowledge has been weak in terms of real–world examples and best–practice information.
Using WPF Recipes in C# 2008, you’ll find a simple and straightforward approach to solving the problems you face every day. Each solution contains a complete, working example that demonstrates how to make the best use of WPF. You can use the example as a template to solve your own problem or as a base on which to build a solution tailored to your specific needs.

Packed with well–structured and documented solutions to a broad range of common WPF problems, this book, which presents the only WPF recipes currently published, will be a valuable addition to any C# programmer’s reference library. Examples included provide you with a rich source of information as you begin to learn and will be an invaluable quick–reference guide once you’re a proficient WPF programmer.
The emphasis on solving the day–to–day WPF problems that all programmers face frees you from needing to trawl through weighty programming tomes or sift through API documentation, allowing you to focus on the more interesting and innovative aspects of your project.

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عدد المساهمات : 12635
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/05/2007
العمر : 38
الموقع : فى غيابات الهندسة المدنية
رقم العضوية : 3
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Product Description
Do you want to create .NET applications that provide high performance and scalability? Do you want to employ object–oriented programming techniques in a distributed environment? Do you want to maximize the reuse and maintainability of your code? Then this book is for you.
In Rockford Lhotka’s Expert C# 2008 Business Objects, you’ll learn how to use advanced .NET Framework capabilities alongside OO design and programming to create scalable, maintainable object–oriented applications. Better still, this book includes CSLA .NET 3.6, a widely used framework on which you can base your application development. By using the concepts and framework in the book, you can focus more on your business issues and less on technology.
Using VS 2008 and C# 3.0, Rockford Lhotka shows you how CSLA .NET 3.6 allows great flexibility in object persistence, so business objects can use virtually any data sources available. The CSLA framework supports 1–, 2– and n–tier models through the concept of mobile objects. This provides the flexibility to optimize performance, scalability, security, and fault tolerance with no changes to code in the UI or business objects.
Business objects based on CSLA.NET 3.6 automatically gain many advanced features that simplify the creation of Windows forms, web forms, WPF, WCF, WF, and web services interfaces, and LINQ.

Who is this book for

This book is for .NET developers using VS 2008 who want to create .NET applications that provide high performance and scalability, employing object–oriented programming techniques in a distributed environment.
About the Author
Rockford Lhotka is the author of numerous books, including Expert One-on-One Visual Basic .NET and Expert C# Business Objects. He is a Microsoft Software Legend, Regional Director, MVP, and INETA speaker. Rockford speaks at many conferences and user groups around the world and is a columnist for MSDN Online. Rockford is the principal technology evangelist for Magenic Technologies, one of the nation’s premiere Microsoft Gold Certified Partners dedicated to solving today’s most challenging business problems using 100% Microsoft tools and technology.

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عدد المساهمات : 12635
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/05/2007
العمر : 38
الموقع : فى غيابات الهندسة المدنية
رقم العضوية : 3
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C# in Depth is a completely new book designed to propel existing C#
developers to a higher level of programming skill. One simple principle
drives this book: explore a few things deeply rather than offer a
shallow view of the whole C# landscape. If you often find yourself
wanting just a little more at the end of a typical chapter, this is the
book for you. Expert author Jon Skeet dives into the C# language,
plumbing new C# 2 and 3 features and probing the core C# language
concepts that drive them. This unique book puts the new features into
context of how C# has evolved without a lengthy rehearsal of the full C#
language. C# in Depth briefly examines the history of C# and the .NET
framework and reviews a few often-misunderstood C# 1 concepts that are
very important as the foundation for fully exploiting C# 2 and 3.

Because the book addresses C# 1 with a light touch, existing C#
developers don’t need to pick through the book in order to find new
material to enhance their skills. This book focuses on the C# 2 and 3
versions of the language, but clearly explains where features are
supported by changes in the runtime (CLR) or use new framework classes.
Each feature gets a thorough explanation, along with a look on how you’d
use it in real life applications. C# in Depth is both a vehicle for
learning C# 2 and 3 and a reference work. Although the coverage is
in-depth, the text is always accessible: You’ll explore pitfalls that
can trip you up, but you’ll skip over gnarly details best left to the
language specification. The overall effect is that readers become not
just proficient in C# 2 and 3, but comfortable that they truly
understand the language.

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عدد المساهمات : 12635
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/05/2007
العمر : 38
الموقع : فى غيابات الهندسة المدنية
رقم العضوية : 3
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EAN : 9780071588300
ISBN : 0071588302
Author : Herbert Schildt
Publisher : McGraw-Hill Osborne Media
Pub Date : 2008-08-11
Edition : 2
Pages : 656
Language : English
Description :
Essential Skills–Made Easy!
Let master programmer and bestselling author Herb Schildt teach you the fundamentals of C#, Microsoft’s premier programming language for the .NET Framework. You’ll begin by learning to create, compile, and run a C# program. Then it’s on to data types, operators, control statements, methods, classes, and objects. You’ll also learn about inheritance, interfaces, properties, indexers, exceptions, events, namespaces, generics, and much more. Of course, new C# 3.0 features, such as LINQ, lambda expressions, and anonymous types, are included. Start programming in C# 3.0 today with help from this fast-paced, hands-on tutorial.

Designed for Easy Learning:

  • Key Skills & Concepts–Lists of specific skills covered in the chapter
  • Ask the Expert–Q&A sections filled with bonus information and helpful tips
  • Try This–Hands-on exercises that show how to apply your skills
  • Notes–Extra information related to the topic being covered
  • Self-Tests–Chapter-ending quizzes to test your knowledge
  • Annotated Syntax–Example code with commentary that describes the programming techniques being illustrated

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عدد المساهمات : 12635
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/05/2007
العمر : 38
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رقم العضوية : 3
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  • Paperback: 640 pages
  • Publisher: Apress; New edition (November 25, 2008)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1590599497
  • ISBN-13: 978-1590599495

Description: Silverlight is a lightweight browser plug–in that frees your code from the traditional confines of the browser. It’s a rules–changing, groundbreaking technology that allows you to run rich client applications right inside the browser. Even more impressively, it’s able to host true .NET applications in non–Microsoft browsers (like Firefox) and on non–Microsoft platforms (like Mac OS X). Silverlight is still new and evolving fast, and you need a reliable guidebook to make sense of it.

With four–color graphics and screenshots throughout, Pro Silverlight 2 in C# 2008 is the perfect reference: you’ll learn about the features that put Silverlight in direct competition with Adobe Flash, such as rich support for 2D drawing, animations, and media playback, and best of all, you’ll experience the plumbing of .NET and the design model of WPF through Silverlight—all of the same .NET technology that developers use to design next–generation Windows applications. Author Matthew MacDonald provides an expertly crafted tutorial written from professional developer to professional developer. You’ll learn to create rich media applications using Silverlight in the environment you’re most productive in–no matter what the target platform.
What you’ll learn
Develop rich media applications using Silverlight across browsers and platforms.
Create a project, set up a layout, and use controls.
Handle 2D drawing, animation, and media playback through Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF).
Integrate web services support.
Use Silverlight in conjunction with ASP.NET and its interactions with HTML.

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عدد المساهمات : 12635
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العمر : 38
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رقم العضوية : 3
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Whether you need an approachable on-ramp to .NET or you want to enhance your skills, C# 3.0 Unleashed is a comprehensive, in-depth guide to the solutions you seek. You’ll learn to do more with the new tools that are available, including Visual Studio 2008 and the .NET Framework Class Libraries. Throughout this book, you’ll get a practical look at what can be the most useful tools for any given task. You’ll also learn common traps to avoid and learn insightful tips that will save you time and help you be more productive.
C# 3.0 Unleashed contains complete coverage of the C# programming language. The author covers all the essential syntax, but keeps the focus on practical application. The chapters are arranged to take you step-by-step from the core of the C# language to elements of the .NET Framework, and further into advanced concepts on distributed n-tier Internet applications. Additionally, C# 3.0 Unleashed shows you how to debug, monitor, and scale enterprise applications, enabling you to use the C# programming language to ship the right code at the right time.

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العمر : 38
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رقم العضوية : 3
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This book is for anyone who wants to write good C# code—even if you have never programmed before. Writing good code can be a challenge—there are so many options, especially in a .NET language like C#. If you want to really get the best from a programming language, you need to know which features work best in which situations and understand their strengths and weaknesses. It is this understanding that makes the difference between coding and coding well.
Beginning C# 2008: From Novice to Professional, Second Edition has been written to teach you how to use the C# programming language to solve problems. From the earliest chapters, and from the first introductory concepts, you’ll be looking at real–world programming challenges and learning how C# can be used to overcome them. As you progress through the book, the problems become more involved and interesting, while the solutions become correspondingly more complex and powerful as C# features interact to achieve the results that you want.

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عدد المساهمات : 12635
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/05/2007
العمر : 38
الموقع : فى غيابات الهندسة المدنية
رقم العضوية : 3
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Description: Essential Skills--Made Easy!

Let master programmer and bestselling author Herb Schildt teach you the fundamentals of C#, Microsoft's premier programming language for the .NET Framework. You'll begin by learning to create, compile, and run a C# program. Then it's on to data types, operators, control statements, methods, classes, and objects. You'll also learn about inheritance, interfaces, properties, indexers, exceptions, events, namespaces, generics, and much more. Of course, new C# 3.0 features, such as LINQ, lambda expressions, and anonymous types, are included. Start programming in C# 3.0 today with help from this fast-paced, hands-on tutorial.

Designed for Easy Learning:
Key Skills & Concepts--Lists of specific skills covered in the chapter
Ask the Expert--Q&A sections filled with bonus information and helpful tips
Try This--Hands-on exercises that show how to apply your skills
Notes--Extra information related to the topic being covered
Self-Tests--Chapter-ending quizzes to test your knowledge
Annotated Syntax--Example code with commentary that describes the programming techniques being illustrated

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عدد المساهمات : 12635
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/05/2007
العمر : 38
الموقع : فى غيابات الهندسة المدنية
رقم العضوية : 3
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Beginning C# 2008: From Novice to Professional, Second Edition (Beginning from Novice to Professional)

EAN : 9781430210337
ISBN : 1430210338
Author : Christian Gross
Publisher : Apress
Pub Date : 2008-09-15
Edition : 2
Pages : 550
Language : English
Description :
This book is for anyone who wants to write good C# code—even if you have never programmed before. Writing good code can be a challenge—there are so many options, especially in a .NET language like C#. If you want to really get the best from a programming language, you need to know which features work best in which situations and understand their strengths and weaknesses. It is this understanding that makes the difference between coding and coding well.
Beginning C# 2008: From Novice to Professional, Second Edition has been written to teach you how to use the C# programming language to solve problems. From the earliest chapters, and from the first introductory concepts, you’ll be looking at real–world programming challenges and learning how C# can be used to overcome them. As you progress through the book, the problems become more involved and interesting, while the solutions become correspondingly more complex and powerful as C# features interact to achieve the results that you want.
This second edition has been revised and improved to now include the latest SQL Server 2008 release and explain how you can integrate SQL Server 2008 with your C# applications.
By the time you’ve finished reading this book and worked through the sample exercises, you’ll be a confident and very competent C# programmer. You will still have many explorations of the .NET Framework API to look forward to, but you will have a firm foundation to build from, and you will know exactly where to go to find the things that you need to progress confidently in your projects.

What you’ll learn

  • Everything to get you started with C# 2008 from scratch—from installing the tools to writing your first applications.
  • The core concepts of .NET 3.5 programming: from decision trees to data structures, from exceptions to lambda expressions, and from objects to components.
  • Learn what LINQ is, why functional programming can be important, how generics make your life easier, and much, much, more!

Who is this book for

This book is for anyone who’s just starting out to learn about C#. It doesn’t assume any prior knowledge of object–oriented programming, of the .NET Framework, or of coding in general. It simply assumes that you’re an intelligent person who wants to learn and starts the journey from there.

About the Apress Beginning Series

The Beginning series from Apress is the right choice to get the information you need to land that crucial entry–level job. These books will teach you a standard and important technology from the ground up because they are explicitly designed to take you from “novice to professional.” You’ll start your journey by seeing what you need to know—but without needless theory and filler. You’ll build your skill set by learning how to put together real–world projects step by step. So whether your goal is your next career challenge or a new learning opportunity, the Beginning series from Apress will take you there—it is your trusted guide through unfamiliar territory!

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العمر : 38
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Extreme Programming Adventures in C# by Ronald Jeffries

Microsoft Press (March 3, 2004) | English | ISBN-10: 0735619492 | chm | 560 pages | 6.74 MB

what you know about extreme programming and object oriented design to
learning C# and the Microsoft®️ .NET Framework on the fly. Author Ron
Jeffries, a leading voice and practitioner in the extreme programming
movement, demonstrates how to apply its key concepts¡ªincluding the use
of customer stories, customer acceptance tests, and "Spikes" and the
fundamental techniques of Simple Design, Test-Driven Development, and
Refactoring to create practical, .NET-ready applications.

also learn how to use NUnit, a unit-testing tool for .NET languages.
This essential, high-level reference provides the expert guidance,
hands-on insights, and downloadable code you need to build an XML
editor, a database application, a Web service, and other useful
applications¡ªquickly extending your extreme programming expertise to
.NET and helping you deliver business value right away.

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العمر : 38
الموقع : فى غيابات الهندسة المدنية
رقم العضوية : 3
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C# 2.0 : The Complete Reference (Complete Reference Series) - 2 edition (Dec 8, 2005)
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Osborne | ISBN: 0072262095 | edition 2006 | PDF | 890 pages | 2,26 mb

comprehensive volume is fully updated for C# 2.0 -- the newest version
of Microsoft's revolutionary programming language.The changes found in
C# 2.0 bring Java-like power to millions of Windows programmers
worldwide. With expertly crafted explanations, insider tips, and
hundreds of examples, this book fully explains every aspect of C# 2.0.
Written in the clear, uncompromising style that has made master
programming author Herb Schildt the choice of millions, the book covers
all the new and existing features of this major programming language.

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Jose Mojica, "C# Web Development for ASP.NET (Visual QuickStart Guide)"
Peachpit Press | 2003-03-16 | ISBN: 0201882604 | 456 pages | CHM | 3,1 MB

was developed from the ground up to serve as the main language for
Microsoft's new .NET framework--and to compete with Java. C# Web
Development for ASP.NET: Visual QuickStart Guide is aimed at beginning
developers who may have experience with scripting languages but are not
necessarily experienced with object-oriented languages. Using
task-based examples and hundreds of screenshots, all code examples are
presented in the context of ASP.NET development, aimed at Web
developers. While C# Web Development for ASP.NET: Visual QuickStart
Guide does not attempt to teach everything about the .NET Framework, it
clearly explains all you need to know to get up and running with the C#

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تاريخ التسجيل : 02/05/2007
العمر : 38
الموقع : فى غيابات الهندسة المدنية
رقم العضوية : 3
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Tobin Titus, Sandra Gopikrishna, Tejaswi Redkar, Srinivasa Sivakumar, Fabio Claudio Ferracchiati , "C# Threading Handbook"
Wrox Press | 2003-02 | ISBN: 1861008295 | 300 pages | CHM | 3 MB

book addresses the fundamental units of Windows and .NET programming -
threads. A strong understanding of the role threads play in program
execution, how multiple threads can interact in order to make efficient
programs, and the pitfalls to beware of when developing multithreaded
applications, are all core to a developer's ability to develop
effective C# programs. This book will cover how .NET applications are
executed, the life cycle of a thread in .NET, how the .

Framework uses threads, how threads work in an event-driven
environment, how we can avoid race conditions and deadlocks, how the
activity of multiple threads can be synchronized, and how to debug
multithreaded applications. We finish it off by describing the creation
of a multithreaded network application.
What is great about this book?

Threads are fundamental to the way GUI and server applications operate;
if your code is running in a GUI, then you're already writing code in a
threaded environment. An ASP.NET page also runs in a threaded
environment. This book aims to cover the tricky issues of threading in
.NET, and particularly to do so from the perspective of C# developers.
Threading is by nature not easy to grasp, but a necessary step towards
mastery of programming for the .NET platform.

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تاريخ التسجيل : 02/05/2007
العمر : 38
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Gregory S. MacBeth, "C# Programmer's Handbook"
Apress | 2003-10-21 | ISBN: 1590592700 | 584 pages | CHM | 1,2 MB

book provides in-depth examination of the C# language as used in .NET
development for both the current version of .NET (1.1) and the version
due out in late 2004 (2.0).Developers migrating to C# will find this a
quick and easy-to-use reference, and new programmers will take home
deeper understanding of the concepts needed to apply C# to real-world
programming needs. This is the type of book you'll never want to be
without, providing essential guidance to using C# for accomplishing
real-world tasks in technologies including COM Interop, I/O, Directory
Services, ADO.NET, networking, threading, debugging, Remoting, Web
Services, and ASP.NET.

book also covers the new features in C# 2.0, such as Generics,
Anonymous Methods, Iterators, and new methods of exising Framework
classes. Becoming familiar with these concepts now will be an advantage
to any C# developer anticipating the leap from 1.1 to 2.0.
About the Author
S. MacBeth is currently employed by Microsoft Corporation as a solution
integration engineer in Charlotte, North Carolina, where he helps
customers realize the potential of Microsoft products. He specifically
aids customers in resolving complex problems where multiple products
are involved. In addition, he often assists customers in developing
first-class software using C# and .NET. He holds MCAD, MCSD (.NET and
VS 6), MCSE, MCDBA, MCT, N+, and A+ certifications.

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العمر : 38
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C# Programmer's Cookbook (Pro Developer) By Allen Jones
Publisher: Microsoft Press 2003 | 650 Pages | ISBN: 0735619301 | chm | 2.4 MB

expert code from expert developers and solve common C# programming
challenges the right way. Next time you hit the wall with a tough C#
programming problem, get the code behind the solution and solve it the
right way.

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عدد المساهمات : 12635
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Herbert Schildt, "C# 3.0: The Complete Reference (3rd Edition)"
McGraw-Hill Osborne Media | 2009-01-01 | ISBN: 0071588418 | 912 pages | PDF | 2,1 MB

The Most Comprehensive C# Resource Available

its support for Language-Integrated Query (LINQ), C# 3.0 has
revolutionized C# programming, and bestselling author Herb Schildt has
updated and expanded his classic programming reference to cover it.
Using carefully crafted explanations, insider tips, and hundreds of
examples, this book presents in-depth coverage of all aspects of C#,
including its keywords, syntax, and core libraries. Of course, details
on the new C# 3.0 features, such as LINQ, lambda expressions,
implicitly typed variables, and anonymous types are included.

for every C# programmer, this comprehensive guide is written in the
clear, crisp, uncompromising style that has made Herb the choice of
millions worldwide. Whether you are a novice programmer or a seasoned
pro, the answers to all of your C# questions can be found in this
definitive resource.

Coverage includes:

*Data types and operators
*Control statements
*Classes and objects
*Constructors, destructors, and methods
*Interfaces, arrays, enumerations, and structures
*Method and operator overloading
*Inheritance and virtual methods
*Reflection and runtime type ID
*Exception handling
*Delegates, properties, events, and indexers
* LINQ (Language-Integrated Query)
*Lambda expressions
* Anonymous types
*Extension methods
*Implicitly typed variables
*I/O, networking, and collections
*The preprocessor and much, much more

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عدد المساهمات : 12635
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/05/2007
العمر : 38
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رقم العضوية : 3
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Dirk Louis, "Microsoft Visual C # (sharp) 2008: Grundlagen, Techniken, Profi-Know-how."
Microsoft Press | 2008 | ISBN: 3866455070 | 1310 pages | PDF | 9,27 MB

umfassende Arbeitsbuch zur Programmierung mit Visual C# 2008 Dieses
Buch behandelt die Programmierung von Windows- und Webanwendungen mit
C# und Visual Studio 2008. Schwerpunkte des Buches sind: die Sprache
C#, die GUI-Programmierung mit Windows Forms und WPF, die Vermittlung
weiterführender Techniken und natürlich der effiziente Umgang mit der
Visual Studio 2008-Entwicklungsumgebung mit ihren vielfältigen
Funktionen und Möglichkeiten.

ersten Kapitel beschreiben ausführlich Struktur und Syntax der Sprache,
behandeln die objektorientierte Programmierung mit C# und gehen auf die
wichtigsten Utility-Klassen aus dem .NET Framework ein. Die Kapitel
sind gleichermaßen zum Erlernen der Sprache wie zum Nachschlagen
bestimmter Konzepte oder Sprachelemente geeignet. Der Teil zur
Erstellung von Windows Forms-Anwendungen wurde auf Wunsch unserer Leser
weiter ausgebaut und behandelt nun alle wichtigen Aspekte der
Windows-Programmierung, von der Gestaltung erster Fenster bis zu
Drag&Drop, Drucken oder Grafiken mit GDI+. Für fortgeschrittene
Windows-Programmierer dürfte daneben auch die ausführliche Einführung
in die brandneue WPF-Technologie interessant sein. Der dritte große
Komplex des Buches ist weiterführenden Themen gewidmet, wie
Multithreading, Datenbankzugriff, ADO, LINQ, WCF, XML und Webdienste.
Den Ausklang bilden Kapiteln zum Debuggen und Testen. Die beiliegende -
90-Tage-Testversion von Visual Studio 2008 Professional rundet das
umfassende Werk ab.

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Microsoft Windows Presentation Foundation provides the foundation for
building applications and high–quality user experiences in Windows
Vista. WPF blends application user interface, documents, and media
content to provide richer control, design, and development of the
visual aspects of Windows programs.

Author Matthew MacDonald
shows you how WPF really works. His no–nonsense, practical advice will
get you building high–quality WPF applications quickly and easily.
MacDonald will take you through a thorough investigation of the more
advanced aspects of WPF, and its relation to other elements of the
WinFX stack and the .NET Framework 3.5, to complete your understanding
of WPF and C# 2008.

functionality extends to support for Tablet PCs and other forms of
input device, and provides a more modern imaging and printing pipeline,
accessibility and UI automation infrastructure, data–driven UI and
visualization, as well as the integration points for weaving the
application experience into the Windows shell.

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عدد المساهمات : 12635
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/05/2007
العمر : 38
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رقم العضوية : 3
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C# in a Nutshell
Publisher: O'Reilly | ISBN: 3897212994 | edition 2002 | PDF | 224 pages | 4 mb

is a concise yet thorough reference to C# 3.0 programming as
implemented in Microsoft's Visual Studio 2008. C# 3.0 in a Nutshell
gets right to the point, covering the essentials of language syntax and
usage as well as the parts of the .NET base class libraries you need to
build working applications. But unlike earlier editions, this book is
now organized entirely around concepts and use cases, providing greater
depth and readability. C# 3.0 introduces the most significant
enhancements yet to the programming language, and C# 3.0 in a Nutshell
delves deep into the subject while assuming minimal prior knowledge of
C#-making it accessible to anyone with a reasonable background in
programming. In addition to the language, the book covers the .NET CLR
and the core Framework assemblies, along with the unified querying
syntax called Language Integrated Query (LINQ), which bridges the
traditional divide between programs and their data sources. Free of
clutter and long introductions, this book provides a map of C# 3.0
knowledge in a succinct and unified style:

chapters concentrate purely on C#, starting with the basics of syntax,
types and variables, and finishing with advanced topics such as unsafe
code and preprocessor directives Later chapters cover the core .NET 3.5
Framework, including such topics as LINQ, XML, collections, I/O and
networking, memory management, reflection, attributes, security,
threading, application domains and native interoperability Designed as
a handbook for daily use, C# 3.0 in a Nutshell is an ideal companion to
any of the vast array of books that focus on an applied technology such
as WPF, ASP.NET, or WCF. The areas of the language and .NET
Frameworkthat such books omit, this one covers in detail.

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