منتدى طلبة كلية الهندسه بأسوان
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منتدى طلبة كلية الهندسه بأسوان

منتدى طلبة كلية الهندسه بأسوان
الرئيسيةالتسجيلأحدث الصوردخول


 Exclusive : Ashampoo Music Studio 3.50 Multilanguage Portable| 19.94 Mb

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مدير عام المنتدى
مدير عام المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 12635
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/05/2007
العمر : 38
الموقع : فى غيابات الهندسة المدنية
رقم العضوية : 3
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Ashampoo Music Studio 3.50 Multilanguage Portable| 19.94 Mb

The complete digital music solution: Rip, edit, convert, record, repair and burn! Do you like music? Do you use a computer? Then you need Ashampoo Music Studio 3. This program always been a favorite of digital music fans and the latest version now includes everything you need to create, edit and manage your digital music collection. And using it is nearly as simple as operating a CD player.

Ashampoo Music Studio 3 at a glance:

* Rip CDs: You can rip (copy) tracks from audio CDs directly to the format of your choice (WMA, MP3, Ogg, FLAC and WAV).
* Import CD data: Automatically import album, title and track details for your audio CDs from an online database.
* Playlists: Import external playlists in M3U, PLS, ASX, P4U and WPL formats.
* Burn: Burn your playlists to regular audio CDs or Data CDs, DVDs or Blu-ray discs containing digital audio tracks in single or mixed formats.
* Edit: Edit your audio tracks. Change the title, artist etc. Convert your tracks to other formats. Cut, mix and modify your tracks. Fade in, fade out, mix, crossfade, change volume, insert silence etc. Normalize volume levels.
* Record: Record directly from all your sound card inputs (microphone, line in etc.) and store the tracks directly as WMA, MP3, Ogg, FLAC or WAV files.
* Repair: Find, move and repair damaged digital audio files.

What's new and cool:

* Multi-format CD ripping: You can now rip tracks directly from audio CDs to WMA, MP3, Ogg, FLAC or WAV files. The files are stored directly while you are ripping, no conversion needed.
* Audio recording: Record directly from any audio source (microphone, aux, line in etc.) to WMA, MP3, Ogg, FLAC or WAV files. Here too, the files are stored directly as you record. You can also record from multiple sources at the same time using the Windows mixer.
* File organization: You can now rename multiple audio files using patterns like %artist% - %title%. You can also use the feature to move files to specified folders. These features are great for organizing your music collection.
* Audio file editing: Extensive new audio editing features. You can convert audio tracks to different formats and quality settings. You can cut, mix and modify your tracks as you like. You can normalize the volume of your tracks to a standard level. You can add effects like fade in and fade out. You can mix tracks and add crossfades. You can change the volume. You can insert silence or replace sound with silence. You can insert split markers to cut long audio files into manageable pieces.
* CD, DVD and Blu-ray burning: The program’s burning features have been further improved. In addition to burning audio and MP3 CDs you can now burn DVDs and Blu-ray discs with audio files. Here too, you can use all the formats supported by the program (WMA, MP3, Ogg, FLAC, and WAV) and you can also burn mixed-format CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray discs.
* Extended playlist import support: You can now also import playlists from WinAmp M3U, PLS, ASX, P4U and WPL formats.
* Improved damaged file repair features: The program can find, repair and move damaged audio files in all the following formats: MP3, Ogg, FLAC, WAV.

Included Languages:

German German (Ashampoo )
English English (Ashampoo )
Dutch Dutch (Richard Rozendaal)
French French (Guy Raedersdorf)
Hungarian Hungarian (Laszlo Koncz)
Russian Russian (Vasili )
Italian Italian ( Ab3l.No $ goth )
Portuguese Portuguese (Celso Petruzalek)
Spanish Spanish (Miguel Blasco)
Czech Czech (Vladimír Vavruška)
Ukrainian Ukrainian (Alex Lekh)
Arabic Arabic (Awadh A Al-Ghaamdi )
Dansk Dansk (Peter Sørensen)
Croatian Croatian (Čedomir Dorešić)
Rumanian Rumanian (Nemecsek Einar)
Spanish (Panama) Spanish (Panama) (Juan Jaen)
Slovakian Slovakian (Milan Slovák)

Cant find your language in the application?

Would you prefer to have the program appear in your language?
Then use the Ashampoo UniLang Editor to edit, translate or mangle all the texts used in the program to your heart's content!

Ashampoo UniLang Editor Installation Setup
The setup contains the language editor itself and a how-to which explains how-to localise Ashampoo products using the Ashampoo UniLang Editor.

Operating Systems: Windows®️ 2000 / XP / Vista

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Exclusive : Ashampoo Music Studio 3.50 Multilanguage Portable| 19.94 Mb
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منتدى طلبة كلية الهندسه بأسوان :: المنتدى الهندسى العام للكمبيوتر والمحمول :: برامج الكمبيوتر- القسم العام-
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