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منتدى طلبة كلية الهندسه بأسوان

منتدى طلبة كلية الهندسه بأسوان
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 Exclusive : Total Training - Adobe Photoshop Elements 7 [Tutorial] | 1,5 GB

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مدير عام المنتدى
مدير عام المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 12635
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/05/2007
العمر : 38
الموقع : فى غيابات الهندسة المدنية
رقم العضوية : 3
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Total Training - Adobe Photoshop Elements 7 [Tutorial] | 1,5 GB

Trainer: Jerron Smith | Level: Beginner to Intermediate | Running Time: 6 Hrs, 1 DVD

With Total Training for Adobe Photoshop Elements 7, you’ll learn best
practices for editing, organizing and correcting your photos. The
series introduces you to the new features of Elements 7, plus explores
key Photoshop Elements fundamentals including acquiring photos from
your camera, editing and enhancing photos, and then sharing them with
family and friends. This training is just what you need to be well on
your way to creating impressive images using Photoshop Elements 7!

Course Outline

Chapter 1: GETTING STARTED (25 min)
1. How Photoshop Elements Works & the Welcome Screen
2. Creating a Catalog
3. Importing Photos
4. Setting a Watch Folder & Showing File Names
5. Getting a Still Image from a Video Frame
6. Setting Preferences

Chapter 2: ORGANIZING YOUR PHOTOS (51 min)
1. Introducing the Organizer
2. Rotating, Hiding, Renaming & Moving Images
3. Comparing & Stacking Photos
4. Creating Albums
5. Rating, Tagging & Finding Photos

Chapter 3: FIXING COMMON PROBLEMS (58 min)
1. Exploring the Editor & Auto Enhancements
2. Using Guided Edit Mode to Adjust Exposure
3. Removing a Color Cast & Adjusting Skin Tone
4. Using the Red Eye Tool
5. Whitening Teeth with the Dodge Tool
6. Enhancing a Blue Sky with the Smart Brush Tool
7. Sharpening an Image with Unsharp Mask
8. Cropping, Rotating & Resizing

Chapter 4: ADJUSTING EXPOSURE (37 min)
1. Adjusting Exposure with Blend Modes
2. Adjusting Levels, Curves & Shadows/Highlights
3. Using Adjustment Layers
4. Adjusting Hue & Saturation
5. Using the Quick Selection Tool to Adjust Parts of an Image

Chapter 5: ADJUSTING COLOR (13 min)
1. Understanding Color & Image Modes
2. Adjusting Shadows & Highlights
3. Working with Color Variations

Chapter 6: SHARING YOUR PHOTOS (15 min)
1. Creating an Online Album
2. E-mailing Photos
3. Printing Photos
4. Ordering Prints & More Options

Chapter 7: WORKING WITH TEXT (31 min)
1. Placing Text on a Layer
2. Making a Cartoon Speech Balloon
3. Embossing Text & Copying a Layer to Another Image
4. Aligning Layers & Warping Text
5. Adding a Layer Style to Text

Chapter 8: RETOUCHING YOUR PHOTOS (16 min)
1. Cropping & Straightening
2. Using the Spot Healing Brush Tool
3. Using the Clone Stamp Tool
4. Removing Dust & Scratches

1. Working with Layers
2. Silhouetting with the Magic Extractor
3. Flattening Layers & Creating a Clipping Mask
4. Applying Layer Style Effects
5. Applying Filters & Adjusting Style Settings
6. Creating a Vignette

1. Creating a Photomerge®️ Panorama
2. Creating a Slide Show
3. Adding Audio to a Slide Show
4. Outputting a Slide Show
5. Creating a Photo Calendar

Chapter 11: WORKING WITH CAMERA RAW (21 min)
1. Introduction to Camera Raw
2. Editing Camera Raw Files
3. Saving a DNG File

Chapter 12: CREATING WEB & VIDEO GRAPHICS (24 min)
1. Color, Resolution & File Formats
2. Saving Images for the Web
3. Preparing & Saving Images for Video
4. Credits

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Exclusive : Total Training - Adobe Photoshop Elements 7 [Tutorial] | 1,5 GB
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