منتدى طلبة كلية الهندسه بأسوان
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منتدى طلبة كلية الهندسه بأسوان

منتدى طلبة كلية الهندسه بأسوان
الرئيسيةالتسجيلأحدث الصوردخول


 Artas SAM Professional 6.1 Build 46 portable | 7.69 Mb

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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مدير عام المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 12635
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/05/2007
العمر : 38
الموقع : فى غيابات الهندسة المدنية
رقم العضوية : 3
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Artas SAM Professional 6.1 Build 46 portable | 7.69 Mb

SAM The Ultimate Mechanism Designer! SAM (Synthesis and Analysis of Mechanisms) is an interactive PC-software package for the design, analysis (motion and force) and optimization of arbitrary planar mechanisms. Mechanisms can either be generated via the design wizards or they can be assembled from basic components including beams, sliders, gears, belts, springs, dampers and friction elements. SAM integrates pre-processing, numerical analysis and post processing, such as animation and xy-plots, in an easy to-use environment offering pull-down menus, mouse support and help facilities.

The mathematical foundation of the analysis kernel, which is inspired by the well-known finite element approach, offers a large number of features and overcomes many of the problems of traditional mechanism programs. Open loop, closed loop, multiple loop and even complex planetary mechanisms can equally well be analyzed due to the finite element formulation. Even the most complex mechanisms, including planetary gear trains, can be modeled within minutes.


* Design, Motion/Force-Analysis and Optimization of 2D-mechanisms
* Bars, belts, (planetary) gears, (non-linear) springs, dampers, friction, ...
* Stand-Alone, Easy-To-Use, Affordable

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

Artas SAM Professional 6.1 Build 46 portable | 7.69 Mb 64699

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Artas SAM Professional 6.1 Build 46 portable | 7.69 Mb
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