thegladiator كبير مهندسين
عدد المساهمات : 783 تاريخ التسجيل : 02/02/2008 العمر : 37 رقم العضوية : 547 Upload Photos :
| موضوع: شرح الإنهيار فى العوازل الصلبة و السائلة السبت 9 فبراير - 0:27 | |
| فيما يلى سوف نقوم بشرح الإنهيار فى المواد السائله CONDUCTION AND BREAKDOWN IN LIQUIDDIELECTRICSINTRODUCTION• Liquid dielectrics are used mainly as impregnants in hv cables andcapacitor, and for filling up of transformers, circuit breakers etc.• Act as heat transfer agents (in transformer), and as arc quenching media(in circuit breakers).• The most important factor that affects the electrical strength of aninsulating oil, is the presence of water in the form of fine dropletssuspended in the oil. Dielectric strength of oil reduces more sharply if itcontains fibrous impurities in addition to water.• In practice, the choice of a liquid dielectric is made mainly on the basis ofits chemical stability.• Clasification of liquid dielectrics: Mineral oil, synthetic hydrocarbons,chlorinated hyfdrocarbons, silicone oils and estersCONDUCTION AND BREAKDOWN IN PURE LIQUIDS• At very low fields, the current is due to the dissociation of ions. Withintermediate fields, the current reaches a saturation value, and at highfields the current generated because of the field-aided electron emissionfrom the cathode gets multiplied in the liquid medium by a Townsendmechanisms.• The current multiplication also occurs from the electrons generated at theinterfaces of liquid and impurities.• The breakdown voltage depends on the field, gap separation, cathodework-function and the temperature of the cathode. In addition, the liquidviscosity, liquid temperature, the density and the molecular structure ofliquid also influence the breakdown strength of liquid.• The type of breakdown process in pure liquids is called the electronicbreakdown, involves emission of electrons at fields greater than 100kV/cm.[In general the breakdown mechanisms are[/sizeclassified as followsa ) Suspended Particle Mechanismb) Cavitation and Bubble Mechanismc) Thermal Mechanisma) Suspended Particle Mechanism• The impurities will be present as fibres or as dispersed solid particles.• If the voltage is continously applied (d.c.) or the duration of the voltage islong (a.c.), then this force drives the particles towards the areas ofmaximum stress. If the number of particles present are large, theybecomes aligned due to these forces, and thus form a stable chainbridging the electrode gap causing a breakdown between the electrodes.• If there is only a single conducting particle between the electrodes, it willgive rise to local field enhancement depending on its shape. If this fieldexceeds the breakdown strength of the liquid, local breakdown will occurnear the particle, and this will result in the formation of gas bubbles,which may lead to the breakdown.• The larger the size of the particles, the lower were the breakdownstrengths.b) Cavitation and Bubble Theory• The following processes have been responsible for the formation of thevapour bubbles.i) gas pockets at the surface of the electrodes.ii) electrostatic repulsive forces between space charges which may besufficient to overcome the surface tension.36iii) gaseous products due to the dissociation of liquid molecules byelectron collisions.iv) vapourization of the liquid by corona type discharge.• The bubble will elongate in the direction of the electric field under theinfluence of electrostatic forces.• This theory does not take into account the production of the initial bubbleand hence the results given by this theory do not agree well with theexperimental result.c) Thermal Mechanism• Based on the experimental observations of extremely large currents justbefore breakdown. The high current pulses originate from the tips of themicroscopic projections on the cathode surface with densities of the orderof 1 A/cm3. This high density current pulses give rise to localised heatingof the oil which may lead to the formation of vapour bubbles.• When a bubble is formed, breakdown follows, either because of itselongation to a critical size or when it completely bridges the gapbetween the electrodes.• The breakdown strength depends on the pressure and the molecularstructure of the liquid. | |
thegladiator كبير مهندسين
عدد المساهمات : 783 تاريخ التسجيل : 02/02/2008 العمر : 37 رقم العضوية : 547 Upload Photos :
| موضوع: شرح الإنهيار فى المواد الصلبه السبت 9 فبراير - 0:33 | |
| الآتى هو شرح الإنهيار فى المواد الصلبه BREAKDOWN IN SOLID DIELECTRICINTRODUCTION• Good dielectric - low dielectric loss, high mechanical strength, free fromgaseous inclusions, and moisture, be resistant to thermal and chemicaldeterioration.• Solid dielectrics have higher breakdown strength compared to liquids andgases.• When breakdown occurs, solids get permanently damaged while gasesfully and liquids partly recover their dielectric strength.• Breakdown mechanism varies depending on the time of application ofvoltage and can be classified as follows;a) Intrinsic or ionic breakdownb) Electromechanical breakdownc) Thermal breakdownd) Electrochemical breakdowne) Treeing and trackingf) Internal discharges1 INTRINSIC BREAKDOWN• When voltage are applied only for short durations of the order 10-8 s thedielectric strength of a solid dielectric increases very rapidly to an upperlimit called the intrinsic electric strength.• Maximum strength usually obtainable ranges from 5 - 10 MV/cm.• Intrinsic breakdown depends upon the presence of free electron whichcapable of migration thru the lattice of the dielectric. Usually smallnumber of conduction electrons are present, with some structuralimperfections and small amounts of impurities. The impurity atoms ormolecules act as traps for the conduction electrons up to certain ranges ofelectric fields and temperatures. When these ranges are exceeded,additional electrons and trapped are released and participate in theconduction process.• Two types of intrinsic breakdown mechanisms;a- Electronic breakdown• Assumed to be electronic in nature (occurs in time 10-8 s)• Initial density of conduction (free) electrons assumed to be large andelectron-electron collisions occurs.• When electric field is applied, electrons gain energy and cross theforbidden gap from the valency to the conduction band. This processrepeated, more and more electrons available in conduction band,eventually leading to breakdown.b- Avalanche or streamer breakdown• Similar to breakdown in gases due to cummulative ionization.• Conduction electrons gain sufficient energy above a certain criticalelectric field and cause liberation of electrons from the lattice atom bycollisions.• Motion of electron from cathode to anode will gain energy from the fieldand losses it during collisions. When the energy gained by an electronexceeds the lattice ionization potential, an additional electron will beliberated due to collision of the first electron. This process repeats itselfresulting in the formation of an electron avalanche, and breakdown willoccur when the avalanche exceeds a certain critical size.• In practice, breakdown does not occur by the formation of a singleavalanche, but occurs as a result of many avalanches formed andextending step by step through the entire thickness of the material 2 ELECROMECHANICAL BREAKDOWN• Failure occurs due to electrostatic compressive forces, which can exceedthe mechanical compressive strength.3 THERMAL BREAKDOWN• When an electric field is applied to a dielectric, conduction current flowsthru the material. Current heats up the specimen and the temperature isrise.• Heat generated is transfered to the surrounding medium by conductionand radiation.• Thermal breakdown sets-up an upper limit for increasing the breakdownvoltage when the thickness of insulation is increased.• Heat generated is proportional to the frequency and hence thermalbreakdown is more serious at high frequency.• Thermal breakdown stresses (MV/cm) are lower under a.c. condition thenunder d.c. | |