the unprecedented file support found in products like Word Perfect
Office Suite, Corel DESIGNER, CorelDRAW, and Paint Shop Pro, users can
work with a broad range of clients without worrying about file
compatibility problems. Plus, when you factor in the ease-of-use and
the affordability of Corel's software products, Corel software is
popular with government agencies around the world.
Product Features
Photos - edit, enhance, and repair with precision tools
Art - create masterpieces with realistic painting tools
Graphics - design for presentations, print, or the Web
Digital camera noise removal filter
Chromatic aberration removal filter
Raw camera images
A mixer palette provides an off canvas area to experiment and mix custom colours together
The History Palette - tracks each command applied to an image
Pen Tool - makes it easier than ever to add lines and curves to graphics
Radial Blur Filter - add spin, twist, and zoom blur effects to images
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