Typograf v4.8f - (Top class font manager system)
WinApp | 2MB View and preview fonts
all OpenType, TrueType and Type 1 fonts on hard drives, DVD, CD,
opticals, floppies or specific folders, including all subfolders. Sort
viewed fonts by name, file, family, copyright, width, date, size.
Typograf displays following font types:
OpenType and TrueType fonts (preview, installed, loaded by Typograf)
PostScript Type 1 fonts (preview, installed, loaded by Typograf)
Printer fonts
Raster or bitmap fonts (system fonts)
Display all font properties
font information: full name, family name, creator, version, copyright, trademark, ...
file data: size, date, file location path
typeface classification by PANOSE system, IBM Font Classes or the Windows internal metric structure
character set
keyboard layout
zoom view for details
edit font information
Compare fonts
find related fonts based on typeface classifications
compare various fonts using tables that show major font features, file data, character width, number of kerning pairs, ...
find duplicate fonts on disks, DVD, CD, ...
Print fonts
print 1, 6, 20, 40 or 80 fonts on an A4 page
two kinds of sample page for a font, including character set
print character set, keyboard layout
Font file management functions
copy, move, delete font files
load or unload fonts
install or uninstall fonts
Manage fonts in database and font groups
Keep your TrueType and PostScript fonts in order using a font database and font groups.
Catalog all your fonts with the database. That way you'll always know which DVD, CD-ROM or folder your fonts are on.
Organize your fonts into font groups to load them as needed.
Information about typefaces and typography
TrueType and Type 1 Reference
Typeface Classifications
Mixing & Matching Typefaces
Choosing an appropriate Type
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